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Bekende auteur doet oproep aan personen met elektro-hypersensitiviteit EHS



Lyn McLean, auteur van de boeken 'The Force - living safely in a world of electromagnetic pollution', 2011, en 'Watt's the Buzz? Understanding and avoiding the risks of electromagnetic radiation', 2002, doet een oproep aan lezers van . om hun ervaringen met hem te delen voor een nieuw te publiceren boek over mensen die overgevoelig zijn (geworden) voor elektromagnetische velden: 


An invitation to help for a book, currently being written on electromagnetic hypersensitivity 

I would like to invite your help for a book I'm currently writing on electromagnetic hypersensitivity. 

I am looking for people who will share their stories about how they are affected by EMR and how they are dealing with this. I am particularly interested in stories of people who have recovered from the condition and the methods they have used. 

I would be grateful if you could let any of your members know about this opportunity to share their story in print. Here's the message I have put on my facebook page: 

Do you experience any discomfort when you use a mobile or cordless phone, when you use a computer or when you spend time near other equipment that emits electromagnetic signals? 

If you do, would you be willing to share your story with me? 

My new book is about these sorts of symptoms and what people can do about them. I'd love to hear your story, too. 

Many thanks indeed 
Lyn McLean (Author 'The Force - living safely in a world of electromagnetic pollution', 2011, and 'Watt's the Buzz? Understanding and avoiding the risks of electromagnetic radiation', 2002.) 
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