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Nieuwe studie: hypothese over de meetbaarheid van elektrogevoeligheid



PubMed - "Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is an ill-defined term to describe the fact that people who experience health symptoms in the vicinity of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) regard them as causal for their complaints. Up to now most scientists assume a psychological cause for the suffering of electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals. This paper addresses reasons why most provocation studies could not find any association between EMF exposure and EHS and presents a hypothesis on diagnosis and differentiation of this condition. Simultaneous recordings of heart rate variability, microcirculation and electric skin potentials are used for classification of EHS. Thus, it could be possible to distinguish "genuine" electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals from those who suffer from other conditions."


Dr. Lebrecht Von Klitzing

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Universitair fysica-docent getuigt over zijn elektrogevoeligheid


"University of Sydney physics lecturer, Dr James McCaughan has provided his personal account of electro sensitivity. This document can be found at located under the Electrosensitivity heading or download at this link.


Dr McCaughan quit his job in July after Wi-Fi exposure from smart phones in the lecture room “shut me down’’. Read the related News Corp article."



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Radiation from wireless technology affects the blood, the heart, and the autonomic nervous system




Exposure to electrosmog generated by electric, electronic, and wireless technology is accelerating to the point that a portion of the population is experiencing adverse reactions when they are exposed. The symptoms of electrohypersensitivity (EHS), best described as rapid aging syndrome, experienced by adults and children resemble symptoms experienced by radar operators in the 1940s to the 1960s and are well described in the literature. An increasingly common response includes clumping (rouleau formation) of the red blood cells, heart palpitations, pain or pressure in the chest accompanied by anxiety, and an upregulation of the sympathetic nervous system coincident with a downregulation of the parasympathetic nervous system typical of the "fight-or-flight" response. Provocation studies presented in this article demonstrate that the response to electrosmog is physiologic and not psychosomatic. Those who experience prolonged and severe EHS may develop psychologic problems as a consequence of their inability to work, their limited ability to travel in our highly technologic environment, and the social stigma that their symptoms are imagined rather than real.



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Dr Marie-Therese Gibson resigns from Tangara School for Girls over Wi-Fi health worries - THE long-time principal of an exclusive Sydney girls' school has quit due to health concerns over Wi-Fi radiation.


Dr Marie-Therese Gibson — who served for 19 years as principal of the Tangara School for Girls at Cherrybrook — resigned in July due to health problems she blames on Wi-Fi installed three years ago.


The school agreed to switch off the Wi-Fi in the administrative wing, but Dr Gibson said she suffered debilitating headaches when she visited other parts of the school.


Professor James McCaughan sit in his "Faraday Cage'' at his home

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Man Allergic To WiFi Lost Job as IT Consultant


58-year-old Guy Hudson is one of a growing number of people who identify themselves as being 'electrosensitive', who is 'allergic' to low electromagnetic fields - the kind produced by mobile phones and WiFi - and exposure leads to a raft of physical symptoms.


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8-jarige Canadese jongen- zware hoofdpijn sinds installatie WiFi op school - Eight-year-old Tyler Hoffmann has energy to burn. And his backyard trampoline, bike, basketball, and hockey stick each get a thorough workout on the afternoon I visit him at his grandmother’s home near Victoria, BC.


But in April 2012, a different story was unfolding. Tyler began coming home from Sangster Elementary School in the Sooke School District with extreme headaches and fatigue. And he was having trouble sleeping at night.


When asked to touch the part of his head that hurt, he would point to the top, his mother Lori recalls. But as the headaches grew worse over the next few weeks—to the point of nausea—Tyler was no longer able to touch the source of it, stating it was now in the middle of his head.


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Electrohypersensitivity Is Real - Recently, the Huffington Post published an article written by Michael Kruse dismissing the health effects of excess exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR), titled "The Disease with No Name." While I categorically refute Mr. Kruse's claims about EMR and people who live with electrohypersensitivity (EHS), I believe the bigger issue is that Mr. Kruse neglected to disclose that he is the Chairperson of an organization that produced a report claiming that EMR is not harmful to humans. This presents a clear bias.


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Nieuwsbrief juli ES UK


Download als PDF hier. Met veel aandacht voor slimme meters en WiFi op school. Ook informatie hoe elektrogevoeligheid in sommige landen stilaan de facto erkend begint te worden als een reden voor arbeidsongeschiktheid.


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Leven 19-jarige Canadese jongen overhoop gegooid door elektrogevoeligheid


"Jordan's electrosensitivity first manifest when he was 11, soon after he got orthodontic braces. (This is an increasingly common scenario for many electrosensitive children due to wi-fi in schools. Metal dental braces literally become an antenna, drawing ambient radiation into a child's head.) Jordan began experiencing blistering headaches, nausea, clumsiness, weak legs, inability to focus or retain information, and severe exhaustion..."


"When we first figured out what was wrong, we were relieved," Jordan's mother Karen recalls. "At last we had an answer. But then we thought about what it means—it's like being allergic to society."


"It is really a life-altering issue that adds an entirely new dimension to almost every decision Jordan makes," Karen says.


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Studie: Why are living things sensitive to weak magnetic fields?


There is evidence for robust interactions of weak ELF magnetic fields with biological systems. Quite apart from the difficulties attending a proper physical basis for such interactions, an equally daunting question asks why these should even occur, given the apparent lack of comparable signals in the long-term electromagnetic environment. We suggest that the biological basis is likely to be found in the weak (50  nT) daily swing in the geomagnetic field that results from the solar tidal force on free electrons in the upper atmosphere, a remarkably constant effect exactly in phase with the solar diurnal change. Because this magnetic change is locked into the solar-derived everyday diurnal response in living things, one can argue that it acts as a surrogate for the solar variation, and therefore plays a role in chronobiological processes. This implies that weak magnetic field interactions may have a chronodisruptive basis, homologous to the more familiar effects on the biological clock arising from sleep deprivation, phase-shift employment and light at night. It is conceivable that the widespread sensitivity of biological systems to weak ELF magnetic fields is vestigially derived from this diurnal geomagnetic effect.

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'Voodoo science' will not solve the causality-problem of EHS (Electro Hyper Sensitivity) -  Technological development of wireless communication has brought an unprecedented increase in human, animal and plant exposure to microwave radiation.


Currently available biomedical research indicates that even at the low levels permitted by the safety standards, radiation exposures induce acute biological effects. The possible impact of the chronic exposures is not known beyond, at the most, the first 10-15 years. We do not have the faintest idea what will happen when exposures will last for a lifetime.



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Zuid Afrika: Zakhele lives in cellphone hell - Zakhele Gininda has nowhere to hide. Moving to a remote farm in rural KwaZulu-Natal would keep him away from his family and diminish his prospects of a stable income.

Hiding out in his brother's Durban home is not a long-term solution either.


"I have no hope," the 44-year-old said, covering his ears.


Gininda has been to several doctors throughout the country but still has no explanation why his face feels as if it's on fire, his head aches, his throat becomes dry, his ears buzz and his heart races when he is near cellphones and in Wi-Fi hotspots.


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