Laptop use lowers student grades, experiment shows
- Gegevens
- Gepubliceerd: vrijdag 16 augustus 2013 09:31 - Eight-year-old Tyler Hoffmann has energy to burn. And his backyard trampoline, bike, basketball, and hockey stick each get a thorough workout on the afternoon I visit him at his grandmother’s home near Victoria, BC.
But in April 2012, a different story was unfolding. Tyler began coming home from Sangster Elementary School in the Sooke School District with extreme headaches and fatigue. And he was having trouble sleeping at night.
When asked to touch the part of his head that hurt, he would point to the top, his mother Lori recalls. But as the headaches grew worse over the next few weeks—to the point of nausea—Tyler was no longer able to touch the source of it, stating it was now in the middle of his head.
abc news - The director of Barnard's toddler center who specializes in toddler social and emotional development, said the kids were much more active when the iPads were taken away. "You see how much their vocabulary has gone up and they are talking to each other," she said.
Researchers said imagination needs to be exercised like a muscle in order for creativity to be developed. Over time, children's play became more elaborate and three-dimensional. - Parents should take the iPads out of their young sons and daughters' hands and get them playing with bananaphones and baby belugas, according to famed children's entertainer Raffi Cavoukian. In recent years, the troubadour has become a vocal opponent of letting young kids use the latest "shiny" tech gadgets and set up online identities in the anarchic world of social media.
He talked with The Sun about his new 'F-word' and options for parents grappling with their children's use of technology as he launches his new book Lightweb Darkweb: Three Reasons To Reform Social Media Before It Re-Forms Us. Here is an edited version of the interview:
EMR Policy Institute (nieuwsbericht) - July 18, 2013, the Israeli Supreme Court ordered the Israeli Government to investigate how many children in Israel already suffer from EHS [electrohypersensitivity].
The Order was issued in response to a Petition to the Israeli Supreme Court to ban WiFi in schools that was submitted in August, 2012. / norad4u - Update from the supreme court today on the appeal to stop the deployment of WIFI in schools in ISRAEL:
It seams that in the last few days the department of education have published an update to its definition document about the deployment of WIFI in schools, saying that no WIFI will be installed in kindergartens and that kids in the first and second grade will be exposed to WIFI ''only'' 3 times a week, one hour each. This is new, in the last year WIFI routers have been installed in kindergartens.
The ministry of education said again that wireless networks will be installed only in case that wired internet will not be ''safe'' to use. This is the same as they said 2 years ago and now 1300 schools out of 4000 have WIFI in them. / norad4u - Update from the supreme court today on the appeal to stop the deployment of WIFI in schools in ISRAEL:
It seams that in the last few days the department of education have published an update to its definition document about the deployment of WIFI in schools, saying that no WIFI will be installed in kindergartens and that kids in the first and second grade will be exposed to WIFI ''only'' 3 times a week, one hour each. This is new, in the last year WIFI routers have been installed in kindergartens.
The ministry of education said again that wireless networks will be installed only in case that wired internet will not be ''safe'' to use. This is the same as they said 2 years ago and now 1300 schools out of 4000 have WIFI in them.
Onderstaande metingen illustreren dat iPads en andere tablet-computers continu zorgen voor zéér hoge stralingsniveaus. Geregeld zijn er pieken van 6 tot maar liefst 16 Volt per meter (omrekentabel). Deze niveaus zijn hoger dan wat een gsm of smartphone doorgaans uitzendt bij het bellen (zie meting). Per uur zijn er zo'n 900 stralingspieken.
Zelfs wanneer er geen WiFi-netwerk beschikbaar is of wanneer men het internet niet actief gebruikt, blijft de iPad de gebruiker (en omstaanders) blootstellen aan zeer hoge stralingsniveaus.
Het gebruik van tablet-computers is dan ook sterk af te raden en het gebruik ervan op school is totaal onverantwoord. In een klassituatie zijn kinderen bovendien omringd door talloze andere tablets, hetgeen de stralingsniveaus nog eens vermenigvuldigt.
Kinderen zouden enkel tablets of iPads mogen gebruiken wanneer de WiFi-functie uitgeschakeld is.
Nederlandse vertaling vanaf 26 juni 2013 in de boekhandel - 'Verban alle digitale media uit de scholen' - Wetenschapper: dommer door digitale media - 'Een iPad voor kleuters is kindermishandeling' - 'Leuk zo'n Steve Jobsschool, maar kinderen worden er niet slimmer van'
"Jongeren zouden minstens 18 jaar moeten zijn voordat zij intensief gebruik gaan maken van digitale media. Teveel gebruik van computers en laptops maakt kinderen dom.
Die waarschuwing uit de Duitse hersenwetenschapper Manfred Spitzer. Op basis van diverse wetenschappelijke neurologisch onderzoeken stelt hij dat langdurig gebruik van digitale media kan zorgen voor het verschrompelen van de hersenen en zo een vorm van 'digitale dementie' veroorzaken.
Spieren trainen
Te weinig intensief gebruik van de hersenen, bijvoorbeeld omdat veel informatie niet langer wordt onthouden maar opgeslagen in een cloud, zorgt ervoor dat 'informatieprocessen' in het geheugen anders gaan functioneren. ,,Vergelijk het met spieren. Als je ze traint, worden ze sterker. Iets vergelijkbaars gebeurt ook in onze hersenen.'' Concentratie- en aandacht- en geheugenstoornissen kunnen het gevolg zijn.
Uit talloze onderzoeken blijkt volgens Spitzer dat leerlingen in het (basis)onderwijs niet gebaat zijn bij lessen per computer. Ze raken sneller afgeleid en de kennis blijft steken aan de oppervlakte, aldus de Duitser. Toch stappen steeds meer scholen over op gedigitaliseerd onderwijs. Volgens Spitzer is dat vooral te danken aan de lobbycampagnes van de computerindustrie. ,,Zij zijn niet geinteresseerd in studieresultaten, maar uitsluitend in geld verdienen.''
Yahoo Finance - Frank Clegg, one of the biggest names in Canadian technology, announced today that he stands behind parents who object to wireless internet in schools.
"There are already children who can't go to school because of headaches, nausea and heart problems from the wireless systems," said Clegg who ran Microsoft Canada for 14 years and now leads a national organization called Citizens 4 Safe Technology (C4ST).
"Some of these kids have a doctor's note to prove it," said Clegg. "This is a real hazard and we shouldn't wait for the government to catch up to the technology. We should exercise caution, especially with children."
On Wednesday the American Academy of Environmental Medicine announced that medical doctors are treating patients who have fallen ill from school wireless systems.
"Slim" naar school met Samsung
Samsung stelt voor: de klas van de toekomst
En het enige waar Minister Pascal Smet zich zorgen over maakt is dat tablets voor iedereen betaalbaar moeten zijn...