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2011 International Scientific Conference on EMF and Health





2011 International Scientific Conference on EMF and Health
Wednesday 16 November and Thursday 17 November 2011, Charlemagne Building, Brussels





Day I: Monday 16 November 2011
08:30 Conference registration
09:00 Welcome 
09:10 Scope of the conference
09:20 Setting the scene – Views from the European Parliament

Session 1:
Introduction, Horizontal topics, General outline

09:30 What is Health Risk Assessment? What are the different disciplines contributing to this subject area?
10:00 Fundamental physics of interaction – what are Electromagnetic Fields, how do they interact with body, what are the limits/restrictions?
Exposure assessment, dosimetry –– what does it mean for the different types of studies?
Consists of 2 presentations
10:50 1. Experimental studies 
11:20 2. Epidemiological studies 

Session 2:
The main sources of uncertainty in EMF health research and how they are addressed?

11:50 Introduction to the session: Are EMF special in generating uncertainty in the interpretation of research results?
11:55 In epidemiology, Exposure-Dose
12:25 In laboratory studies (in animal studies, in vitro studies and in human experimental studies)
12:55 Discussion 

Session 3:
Current state of knowledge – Where are the areas of scientific consensus (consistency, coherence)

14:00 Introduction to the session

Biological effects, basic mechanisms (not necessarily with an adverse health outcome), Interaction Mechanisms

Consists of 2 presentations:
14:05 1. ELF- Extremely Low Frequencies
14:35 2. RF- Radio Frequencies
Cancer and other long-term effects in humans, should consider time-trends versus case-control studies
Consists of 2 presentations
15:05 1. LF (static fields, ELF, IF - Intermediate frequencies)
15:35 2. RF 
16:15 Reproductive health
16:45 Acute effects (e.g. nervous system effects: neurophysiological and neuropsychological, sleep)
17:15 Self-reported symptoms
17:45 Discussion on the scientific consensus
Day II: Monday 16 November 2011

Session 4:
What are the areas of scientific inconsistency and knowledge gaps?

08:30 Introduction to the session
Biological effects, basic mechanisms (not necessarily with an adverse health outcome), Interaction Mechanisms
2 presentations:
08:35 1) ELF
09:05 2) RF
Cancer and other long-term effects in humans, should consider time-trends versus case-control studies, possibly address etiology of brain cancer more generally mention differences in results between different meta analyses, focus on RF (2 presentations ):
09:35 1) RF 1
10:05 2) RF 2
10:55 Neurodegenerative (ELF)
11:25 Acute effects (e.g. nervous system effects: neurophysiological and neuropsychological, sleep)
11:55 Overview of new technologies
12:15 Other frequency fields, Changing exposure scenarios / changing and new technologies
12:35 Discussion on the inconsistencies, knowledge gaps

Session 5:
Lessons learned and recommendations for the future

14:00 Introduction
14:10-15:40 Panel Discussion to help draw conclusions and provide outlook in particular on:
1) Feedback on sessions 3 and 4 – Differences in opinion? Research priorities?
2) Will certain uncertainties ever be clarified? What is your experience on this from your research perspective?
3) What new questions might need answering considering changes in exposure and technologies?
4) Assessment of research priorities?
15:40 General Discussion 
16:30 Conclusions
1) Based on results of conferences, are ongoing research programmes sufficient to address knowledge gaps identified?
2) How to prioritize research 
a) From the point of view of Public Health? Which criteria to use?
b) From the point of view of Occupational Health?
3) What’s next? Rapporteurs reports, EC actions. Reports freely available.
16:50- 17:00 Closing remarks (European Commission, SCENIHR - Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks)  

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