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Belangrijke workshop in het Europees Parlement


Europees parlementslid Michelle Rivasi organiseert volgende belangrijke workshop in het Europees Parlement.




MEP's Kriton ARSENIS, Frédérique RIES and Michèle RIVASI


invite you to


"Early warnings : The case of Mobile Phone & Head Tumors" 


Workshop at the EU Parliament


on Tuesday 11 October 2011


From 13:00 - 15:00 in  Room  P7C050



Draft Program & Invited Speakers



12:45  Reception

13:00  Welcome  by MEPs Kriton Arsenis, Frédérique Ries, Michèle Rivasi


13:15  Mr Christopher Wild, IARC Director,

            « Mobile phone 2B classification : How IARC evaluated the evidence »


13:30  Mr Mats-Olof Mattsson, SCENIHR Chairman

              « EMF Risk Assessment : Outcomes of the 2007 and 2009 opinions »


13:45  Ms Elisabeth Cardis, CREAL Scientific Director Radiation Program

             « Analysis and protective interpretation of the Interphone datas »


13:55  Mr Lennart Hardell, MD, University Hospital in Orebro

            « Latest evidence based risks about Mobile Phone Head Tumors »


14:05  Mr David Gee, European Environment Agency

         « Towards Transparency about why Experts differ in Evaluating Evidence »


14:15  Discussion / Questions


14:55 Conclusion by Mrs Michele Rivasi MEP