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Disconnect: nieuwe documentaire over de stralingsproblematiek


Disconnect is a documentary that exposes the truth behind the negative health effects of cell phones. Globally, 5 billion people own mobile devices but few know the potential harm they are causing. Through extensive research and interviews with the world's leading doctors, scientists, politicians, activists, and victims; Disconnect traces the rise of a rogue industry and unveils the corrosive relationships which have corrupted public health. Severe adverse health effects have been associated with long-term microwave radiation exposure from cell phones. Many doctors and scientists believe brain tumors, infertility, and breast cancer are correlated with cumulative cell phone use.



Disconnect includes interviews with neurologists, doctors, scientists, and researchers from Yale, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSF, UCSD, University of Utah, SUNY, and Kaiser Permanente, along with commentary from the former Head of the Radiation Studies Program at the World Health Organization and the Director of Toxic Substances Control for California's Environmental Protection Agency.


In addition, the documentary provides perspectives from experts who helped shape the cell phone industry including Apple's co-founder Steve Wozniak, Virgin Mobile's founder Richard Branson, cell phone inventor Martin Cooper, and the founder of one of the first telecommunication companies, which sold briefcase-size mobile phones. Disconnect examines the political realities of the telecommunication corporation through accounts from Lt. Governor of California and former San Francisco Mayor, Gavin Newsom, the former Israeli Minister of Science and Internal Affairs, Senator Mark Leno, Senator Leland Yee, and the Mayor of Portland, ME.

Bron: the International Electro-Magnetic Fields Alliance