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Safe Schools 2012 - medische specialisten en wetenschappers waarschuwen tegen WiFi op school


Aansluiting_in_tafel_4"More Medical Associations, medical doctors and scientists, many of whom work on the biological effects of wireless technologies, have expressed their concerns about the safety of wireless devices for schools. They are asking for wired information and communication technologies to be used in order to safeguard children and young people, protect and promote healthy development and maximise learning and achievement. These experts do not agree with the health protection agencies which currently support or allow the use of microwave, radiofrequency-emitting technologies by children and young people in schools.


This document serves to inform schools, Governing Bodies, School Boards, Education Authorities, teachers and parents of the professional, medical and scientific concerns about children using wireless technologies in schools. The information can be used to implement safe school policies, practices and guidance in order to safeguard the health and development of children and young people and to aid cognitive abilities, learning and achievement."

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