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Weense artsenvereniging roept op tot gsm-vrije zones in de openbare ruimte


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Google translate naar het Engels: Vienna Medical Association calls for cell phone free zones in public spaces. People need to be brought to a conscious use of mobile technology – recycling measures required


Vienna (OTS) – The Vienna Medical Association has called for the establishment of cell phone-free zones – similar to the smoke-free areas in public buildings. This was necessary in order both to minimize the radiation exposure and the other to bring the people to a conscious use of mobile technology, says the Head of Environmental Medicine at the Vienna Medical Chamber, Piero Lercher.




Affiche met 10 tips voor een verantwoord gsm-gebruik, te vinden in de wachtzalen van Weense huisartsen. Zie de Nederlandse vertaling van de 10 tips.



Just the judgment of the Italian High Court that excessive calls with mobile and cordless phones can cause an 80 percent disability, show clearly the related health risks. In his view, it was "extremely serious" when in health medical advice and recommendations were ignored, and action must be awakened by court decisions.


It was undisputed that mobile phones have been established as a viable tool to address many everyday situations, as well as alerting system in emergency situations. "The mobile phone but a constant companion, even in bed to make, goes much beyond the target," said Lercher, in everyday situations can already see a certain "withdrawal symptoms" in many people when the phone once suddenly no longer there .


Moreover, according to Lercher intensification of recycling activities. He points out that in the production of mobile phones called "rare earth metals" and expensive raw materials were used. However, their production is extremely environmentally questionable: "Rare earths are sometimes even poisonous or is the habitat of many people poisoned, since the degradation is carried out with acids, wash the metals from the boreholes. Back then remains of poisoned mud. "


Lercher proposes the implementation of a mobile deposit system, so as to prevent that cell phones would be stockpiled at home. "Sympathetic", in his view, the idea of ​​Ö3 piñata (?), where the collection of old mobile phones and network devices to realize a 'money is used for charitable purposes.


4.6 billion people use mobile


To substantiate the dangers of intense cellular and cordless telephony with studies, be problematic in that the follow-up period since the establishment of this global mass phenomenon is still too short. Lercher refers in this context to the fact that an estimated 4.6 billion people worldwide are registered as a user of a mobile device – and rising. "The dimensions of this mass phenomenon shows how important it is to develop rules for a moderate and safe use of this technology," said Lercher.


Since publication of the "10 medical mobile phone rules" six years ago, they had not lost their topicality. In this sense, Lercher urges a careful use of mobile technology. He also calls but also by the industry, to place greater emphasis on low-radiation cordless phones: "The there have been, but they were now out of the market."


(SERVICE – The posters "Beaming information: 10 mobile medical rules" can free the press office of the Vienna Medical Chamber – for schools – at Tel 01/51501-1223 DW, e-mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken., ordered . be poster download on the homepage of the Vienna Medical Chamber: