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Nieuwe wetenschappelijke resolutie: Potenza Picena Resolution


"An important new scientific resolution on electromagnetic fields was agreed to at a international scientific meeting in Potenza Picena, Italy, on April 20, 2013, organized by the International Commission on Electromagnetic Safety,"


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On April 20th, 2013 the International congress of Potenza Picena entitled “Radar, radiofrequency and health risk”, reached the following conclusions:


 radars use pulsed radiofrequency that causes characteristic biological effects which are more invasive than non pulsed EMF;

 radiofrequency can cause structural changes in enzymes with time reactions of nanoseconds, while the pulsed radiofrequencies emitted by radars occur every milliseconds, thus suggesting that for every pulsing event several enzymatic changes occur;

 the pulsed signals can induce significant modifications on DNA regulations as an effect of the methylation of the genome;
 scientific literature concludes that biological/health effects can occur at low intensity exposure and chronic exposure can make a living organism more susceptible to the effect of the EMFs;

 ICEMS monograph (Eur. J. Oncol., 2010) concludes that there are non thermal mechanisms of action of EMF (including RF) on the living matter;

 experiments on cell cultured in residential areas in Potenza Picena showed that the radar signal activates apoptosis for short exposures and cell survival signal after 24 hours of exposure;

 preliminary results of animal experiments show that radiofrequency is a co-carcinogenic agent;

 radiofrequency induces oxidative stress processes in tissues and living organisms;

 different epidemiological studies show that there is a significant increase of health risks on the people exposed to pulsed radiofrequency and more studies need to be done to conclude especially about pulsed radiofrequency;
 scientific literature suggests that for EMF the precautionary principle should be internationally adopted;

Thus, stricter safety standards for EMF needs to be adopted by governments and public health agencies because the existing ones are obsolete and they are not based on recent literature about biological effects.

According to the precautionary principle RF sources should be reduced as low as possible because at now it is not possible to establish a safe limit under which no biological effects can be observed.

RF sources should be kept far from residential areas. For pulsed RF sources, such radars and Wi-Max antennas, the distance from the EMF source should be even greater because they cause more biologically effects than non pulsed signals.
Wi-Fi should not be placed in schools and in public areas since they have characteristics of pulsed signals.

The precautionary principle suggests to use special caution for the younger people and for susceptible such as those with Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity a condition growing in modern societies that makes people sick for exposure to EMF even at low level of intensity.

Massimo Scalia
Eleonora Miranda
Mario Barteri
Ian Marc Bonapace
Henry Lai
Livio Giuliani
Fiorenzo Marinelli
Olle Johansson
Michela Padovani
Nesrin Seyhan
Maurizio Fontana
Örjan Hallberg