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Studie: artsen halen informatie over stralingsproblematiek uit mainstream media


Uit een studie bij Franse huisartsen blijkt dat deze informatie over de effecten van elektromagnetische straling opzoeken in de mainstream media, eerder dan in wetenschappelijke en medische publicaties. Bijgevolg is hun kennis over de risico's eerder summier, oppervlakkig en beïnvloed door de manier waarop de media het thema presenteren.


Dit lijkt ons zeer problematisch, gezien de vaak gebrekkige kwaliteit van de berichtgeving in de pers en het feit dat de telecomindustrie op dit moment één van de grootste adverteerders is in de media (zie bijvoorbeed 'Journalisten staan vaak onder druk om adverteerders ter wille te zijn' en 'Verstrengeling media en telecomindustrie: BASE in zee met mediabedrijven'), waardoor mogelijk een ongewenste invloed ontstaat.



Presse Med. 2013 May;42(5):e133-43. doi: 10.1016/j.lpm.2012.09.026. Epub 2013 Feb 16.

[French general practitioners and electromagnetic fields].

[Article in French]


Service des études médicales, EDF - DRH Groupe, 45, rue Kléber, 92309 Levallois-Perret cedex, France.





To assess the perception of risk of general practitioners (GPs) about electromagnetic fields (EMF), their sources of information, as well as their patients' level of concern.



Six hundred French GPs were selected according to the quotas method. They were asked to answer 24 items via an electronic questionnaire using the Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI) method.



The GPs know the main EMF sources: cell phone towers, cell phones, power-lines, microwave ovens and WiFi networks. Patients mostly complain or worry about the first three sources and ask their GP for information about these. GPs themselves search for information in the mainstream media rather than in the usual scientific and medical press. As a consequence, their knowledge about potential risks of EMF is deemed rather crude.


The GPs are sensitive to environmental concerns, particularly regarding EMF exposure. However, according to the results analysis, they do not have the same approach because of an obvious lack of mastery in a complex and poorly informed situation. A serious educational effort is essential and would be welcomed by practitioners, who are aware of their responsibilities in terms of counseling, diagnosis and care.


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