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Trailer nieuwe documentaire 'Desperately seeking white zone'


Trailer van nieuwe documentaire over stralingsproblematiek en elektrogevoeligheid: 'Desperately seeking white zone' (= zone zonder straling).


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This is a newly emerging subject which many people are still unaware of.

Who are these people who suffer from electro-hypersensitivity that the media talk about every now and again?

Having been made aware by a friend who had herself started to suffer from electro-hypersensitivity, the director of this film spent two years investigating and met about 60 people suffering from EHS all over France and even abroad; people who had become electro-hypersensitive to electromagnetic fields.

Rencontre de personnes EHS en DrômeCherche zone blanche désespérément

First observation: More and more people are experiencing all kinds of symptoms when they are in the presence of mobile phones, wireless communication devices (antennas, wifi etc) or even household electrical currents.

To protect themselves they have to shut themselves away, move house or even worse, leave their families and stop working.
Twenty years ago this phenomenon did not exist, today it is worldwide. What this investigation also shows is that the serious symptoms described by EHS sufferers are curiously similar to the symptoms faced by professional radar operators, known as the "microwave syndrome". Well, these are very similar technologies and the harmful side-effects have been documented for 50 years!
Through statement after statement, a troubling reality is revealed: for reasons which have yet to be completely explained, men, women and also children are developing an intolerance to artificial electromagnetic fields which are broadcast on a huge scale in today's environment.

Is it possible we may all be affected at differing levels?

Might there be other medium and long-term effects?


For those who suffer from electro-hypersensitivity, the situation is urgent!