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Update rechtszaak Israël WiFi op school – 18/3/2014 - In Israël spanden een groep van ouders een rechtszaak aan tegen het Ministerie van Gezondheid en van Onderwijs over WiFi op school. In de rechtszaak getuigen 13 kinderen over hun elektrogevoeligheid en de gezondheidseffecten die ze ondervinden door WiFi op school.


De aanbeveling van het Ministerie van Onderwijs aan scholen is om bekabeld internet te verkiezen boven wifi. Als toch wifi wordt gïnstalleerd, moeten daar goede pedagogische of technische redenen voor zijn. Het aantal uren blootstelling moet ook beperkt worden (zeker bij de jongste kinderen) en de wifi uitgeschakeld wanneer niet in gebruik.


De aanklagers stellen echter dat dit beleid niet werkelijk wordt opgevolgd. 75% van de scholen installeerden namelijk wifi-netwerken.


Ook wordt de ontoereikendheid van de huidige blootstellingsnormen aangeklaagd.


Professor em. Elihu Richter, voormalig directeur van het Occupational and Environmental Medicine centrum aan de medische faculteit van de Hebrew University, bevestigt dat elektrogevoeligheid een reële aandoening is, die bovendien niet zo zeldzaam is als men zou geloven:


"In my professional opinion , intolerance to electromagnetic radiation, is not a psychiatric or psychosomatic illness, but a medical condition caused by exposure to electromagnetic radiation. My determination is based on my own experience, after I checked patients suffering from EHS and on the basis of scientific and medical information available. Unfortunately, to my knowledge, the Ministry of Health did nothing to check the dimensions of the phenomenon in Israel ... I am getting disturbing reports of children who started suffering from EHS in Israel and abroad, after having introduced WiFi systems to school. I have no doubt, that due to entering the WiFi networks into schools, the number of children joining the suffering from EHS will continue to grow due to exposure to chronic radiation all day in school, and I stress that it's not a rare disease, but a phenomenon with increasing prevalence... it is important to emphasize that the population of children is particularly sensitive population, as children have a thin skull, causing a higher penetration of radiation into the brains, and because their nervous systems are still developing - so this population is more likely to develop EHS."



Radiation from WiFi: Not in our school?


Thirteen children testify in a petition to the court that they

suffer from a disease arising from exposure to mobile phones

and wireless network radiation, which is also in schools.

Response of the State: We do not know such a disease


By: Helena Lusky , Doctors website, 16/03/14


Efrat, biologist, and Ran, mechanical engineer by profession

are the parents of two children aged 9 and 12, who are being

educated at an elementary school in Tel Aviv, that installed

like many schools in the country, WiFi network to adjust the

curriculum for the 21st century. When they found out about a

year and a half ago, that wireless network would be installed

at school, they contacted the school board and the

municipality of Tel Aviv, to veto, for fear of their

children's exposure to electromagnetic radiation. When their

request was ignored, they decided to join the petition of the

parents' national leadership, Sane mobile forum (both

represented by lawyer Michael Bach) and attorney Dafna

Tachover, against the Ministry of Health and Ministry of

Education, a petition concerning the removal of wireless

networks from schools. The petition is being discussed these days.


We all want our children to receive the best education, the

most advanced methods, which include ICT and experiential

lessons . The question is whether this progress may come at

the expense of our children's health? And whether our children

are used today actually as "guinea pigs" of the wireless

technology, we do not know what will be its future effects.


EHS – is there such a disease or not?


13 affidavits were attached of children attending different

schools in the country, with sensitivity to electromagnetic

radiation (the disease EHS). One of them in eleventh grade,

wrote in his affidavit: "I have pain all over the body,

especially those parts closest to the device that emits

radiation, especially the head and neck. At school I feel the

pain, when children with cell phones coming to me, and in

places With Wi-Fi in school."


President of the Supreme Court, Judge Asher Gronis, asked the

state to estimate how many children in Israel suffer from EHS.

The state's response indicates that such a disease is not

known. According to the opinion of Professor Siegal Sadezky

Director of Knowledge Center on non-ionizing radiation, and

manager of Gertner Institute's department of radiation and

Cancer epidemiology, there is no medical diagnosis to the

phenomenon of sensitivity to radiation and therefore it can

not be evaluated. It also states in its opinion that the

source of this sensitivity may be psychiatric symptoms, and in

any case it is necessary to determine whether contaminants

such as air pollution, are responsible for the disease.


In contrast, argues Professor Elihu Richter, director of the

Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the Faculty of

Medicine of the Hebrew University (retired), in a written

statement: " In my professional opinion , intolerance to

electromagnetic radiation, is not a psychiatric or

phsychosomatic illness, but a medical condition caused by

exposure to electromagnetic radiation. My determination is

based on my own experience, after I checked patients suffering

from EHS and on the basis of scientific and medical

information available. unfortunately, to my knowledge, the

Ministry of Health did nothing to check the dimensions of the

phenomenon in Israel ... I am getting disturbing reports of

children who started suffering from EHS in Israel and abroad,

after having introduced WiFi systems to school. I have no

doubt, that due to entering the WiFi networks into schools,

the number of children joining the suffering from EHS will

continue to grow due to exposure to chronic radiation all day

in school, and I stress that it's not a rare disease, but a

phenomenon with increasing prevalence... it is important to

emphasize that the population of children is particularly

sensitive population, as children have a thin skull, causing a

higher penetration of radiation into the brains, and because

their nervous systems are still developing - so this

population is more likely to develop EHS."


One policy , a different reality ?


Please note that there is a consensus in the country and the

world to minimize the extent of possible exposure to a

wireless networks, especially of sensitive populations such as

children. A position paper of the cancer and radiation

epidemiology unit from 2010, states that in accordance to the

precautionary principle, it is better to use wired technology

for communication between computers, since it is safer than

wireless communication. This policy is consistent with the

decision of the European Parliament from 2009 and the position

of the World Health Organization in 2011, whereby the overall

wireless technology Bluetooth conservation, WiFi and cordless

phones, emitting electro-magnetic is possibly dangerous for



Israeli Ministry of Education ordered schools to set up wired

networks and only in places where these networks are causing a

safety hazard, Wi-Fi will be installed and operated within the

limits. For example, pedagogical content such as

presentations, use of word processors software Excel files ,

etc. will be transferred to a wired network; wireless network

on school grounds will be turned off when successfully used in

the studies. Additionally, defined limits for a wireless

network. grades a - C: up to 3 hours a week, and classes d and

up to 8 hours a week.


The petition alleged that the Education Ministry does not

enforce its own policy – and actually used in schools wireless

network, unlike the Ministry of Health guidelines . This is

much worse, given the fact that there were children who suffer

from EHS. Indeed, data from the Ministry of Education

presented in court shows that 75 percent of Israeli school

installed a wireless network. This is surprising given the

policy of the Ministry of Education, that one should prefer a

wired network.


Radiation : High standard , testing is problematic


Another issue raised by the petitioners is the Israeli

standard radiation. Allowable exposure level in Israel is

40-100 [micro watts per cm squared], compared with Europe

where the population maximum exposure level of 0.1 [ micro

watts per cm squared ].


According to an affidavit filed by Ram Dishon, an expert on

radiation (an engineer), "the results of radiation levels do

not at all reflect the true intensity in schools ... correct

measurements will show, that the level of radiation in schools

can be between 200 times and 1000 times greater than indicated

in the reports ! I found that the most serious omission is the

measuring devices used are not able to measure the radiation

of the WiFi ... radiation meter used to measure radiation up

to 3GHz while the WiFi works on frequencies up to 5 GHz ...

the reason for lower radiation levels in Israel is arising

from using the wrong measurement and use of inappropriate



The Ministry of Education spokesman said: "The Ministry of

Education published a guidance for schools, that the use of

wireless would be the exception, the rule is to favor the

installation of wired networks. The exception would be after

demonstrating the existence of pedagogical and technical

justification, and under other conditions that justify it. In

radiation tests conducted by the Environmental Protection

Ministry late last year, the radiation levels from wireless

networks ( high-frequency radiation - RF ) were significantly

lower levels than thresholds of the standards and usually even

below the threshold of the measurement devices. It is noted

that the issue is being discussed in court and reply is given

to the petition".


Department of Health spokeswoman said: "No EHS cases were

reported to the Health Ministry. The policy of the Ministry of

Health regarding the integration of communication in schools

is presented in a circular of the Ministry of Education's

director in July 2013."