Wetenschappelijk nieuws

Gerenommeerd wetenschapper bekritiseert de overzichtsstudies van de WHO

Een gerenommeerd wetenschapper geeft in een nieuwe paper aan dat de 'reviews' (overzichtsstudies) die de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie laat opstellen over de gezondheidseffecten van EM straling van slechte kwaliteit zijn en dat belangenconflicten een groot probleem vormen:

​"In a newly-published paper, one of the world's most renowned scientists who has studied the effects of radio frequency (RF) radiation, Dr. James C. Lin, Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois, Chicago and a former ICNIRP Commissioner, attacks the World Health Organization's systematic reviews of the research on RF radiation that dismiss the substantial evidence for adverse biological and health effects.

He concludes:

"The criticisms and challenges encountered by the published WHO-EMF systematic reviews are brutal, including calls for retraction. Rigorous examinations of the reviews reveal major concerns. In addition to the scientific quality, they appear to have a strong conviction of nothing but heat to worry about with RF radiation. The unsubtle message that cellular mobile phones do not pose a cancer risk is clear. The reviews exhibit a lack of serious concerns for conflicts of interest and display unequivocal support for the recently promulgated ICNIRP RF exposure guidelines for human safety.

From its inception, WHO-EMF had close ties with ICNIRP, a private organization, frequently referred to as the WHO-EMF project's scientific secretariat [18]. What may not be as apparent for the WHO-EMF systematic reviews is the lack of diversity of views. A large number of ICNIRP commissioners and committee members are listed as authors for the WHO-EMF systematic reviews; some also served as lead authors. These concerns advance issues of reviewer independence and potential for conflicts of interest.""

​Lin JC. World Health Organization's EMF Project's Systemic Reviews on the Association Between RF Exposure and Health Effects Encounter Challenges [Health Matters]. _IEEE Microwave Magazine_, 26(1): 13-15, Jan. 2025, doi: 10.1109/MMM.2024.3476748.

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