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Dossier in weekblad Vrij Nederland


Eindelijk nog eens wat degelijke onderzoeksjournalistiek over de stralingskwestie, met name in het Nederlandse weekblad 'Vrij Nederland'. U vind het artikel terug op de website van Vrij Nederland: Kankermobieltjes?


Nieuw rapport: meer dan 200 studies linken gsm's met serieuze gezondheidsproblemen


RapportMobilwiseDe Britse NGO MobileWise publiceerde een nieuw rapport over de gezondheidsrisico's van gsm's. In het rapport komen meer dan 200 wetenschappelijke studies aan bod die duidelijk wijzen op een link met gezondheidsproblemen.


The report warns that children's health is being put at risk by the failure of Government and phone companies to respond to the growing body of evidence linking mobile phone use with health hazards. Medical experts and MobileWise are calling on Government and industry to provide warnings and advice on ways to reduce the risk of health damage when using mobiles.


The possible health risks identified include brain tumours and damage to fertility, genes, the blood-brain barrier and melatonin production, as well as other biological effects thought to have a role in the development of cancer. Endorsed by a number of eminent doctors and scientists, the report highlights the growing and substantial body of evidence that has been obscured in the debate over these risks.



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Disconnect: nieuwe documentaire over de stralingsproblematiek


Disconnect is a documentary that exposes the truth behind the negative health effects of cell phones. Globally, 5 billion people own mobile devices but few know the potential harm they are causing. Through extensive research and interviews with the world's leading doctors, scientists, politicians, activists, and victims; Disconnect traces the rise of a rogue industry and unveils the corrosive relationships which have corrupted public health. Severe adverse health effects have been associated with long-term microwave radiation exposure from cell phones. Many doctors and scientists believe brain tumors, infertility, and breast cancer are correlated with cumulative cell phone use.


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3 november: infoavond te Ukkel (Brussel)



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