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Call for an overhaul of SCENIHR membership


Kritiek op de SCENIHR op de blog van de De Finse wetenschapper en stralingsexpert Dariusz Leszczynski.


"The selection of scientists to SCENIHR, at least from the sidelines, looks like the selection process used by ICNIRP – 'The Buddy System' – leading to formation of yet another exclusive, by-invitation-only, 'private club'. Friends are selecting/recommending friends with the same scientific opinions."


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Commentaar Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation op SCENIHR-rapport


Nog een vernietigende kritiek:


We hereby submit the comments from the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, a non-profit organization with the aim of informing and protecting citizens from health hazards of EMF. Our comment focus mainly on the content of the SCENIHR 2013 report on "Health Effects from RF-fields (chapter 3.5) Summary This section of the SCENIHR preliminary opinion provide false, in accurate, misleading and biased information about available research and results from both epidemiological studies on neoplastic diseases (cancer) and studies on other health risks. There is even evidence of scientific fraud or misconduct.


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BioInitiative Working Group exposes SCENIHR process irregularities


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500 million citizens are relying on SCENIHR: Is Science Being Hidden from the Public?


Standpunt van Eileen O'Connor, directeur van Radiation Research Trust


The European Commission in collaboration with the Greek Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) under the auspices of the EU Council Greek Presidency organised a major workshop in Athens on EMF electromagnetic fields and health effects with a focus on public awareness, conciliating scientific findings and uncertainties in policy making. The event took place on 27th & 28 March 2014 at Cotsen Hall, Athens, Greece and included presenters from various parties from the European Commission, WHO, public authorities, industry, operators, environmental and consumer associations and academia. The goal of the conference was to reach a common approach for the future in order to respond to public concerns about electromagnetic fields, to enhance information dissemination and discuss new studies and scientific evidence in relation to EMF, and to identify knowledge gaps needed for sound policy making. In this context, the new SCENIHR draft opinion on EMF and potential health effects was presented.


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Gezondheidsactivisten voorzien telecomwinkel van waarschuwingslabels - Interessante actie: gezondheidsactivisten van de California Brain Tumor Association and Stop Smart Meters! hebben in een telecomwinkel in San Francisco waarschuwingslabels op smartphones en tablets gekleefd. Het label waarschuwt mensen dat de apparaten volgens de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie mogelijk kanker veroorzaken en dat zwangere vrouwen en kinderen in het bijzonder kwetsbaar zijn.


Verschillende Amerikaanse staten en steden hadden plannen om burgers door labels te wijzen op de mogelijke gezondheidsrisico's van gsm's en smartphones. In San Francisco was het stadsbestuur bijvoorbeeld unaniem akkoord gegaan dat gsm-verkopers aan elke consument een factsheet moesten meegeven met daarop onder meer de classificatie van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie en de richtlijn om voldoende afstand te houden tot het apparaat bij het bellen.


Door rechtszaken, dreigementen, financiering van politici en lobbywerk wist de telecomindustrie deze initiatieven echter één voor één in de kiem te smoren.


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