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Studie: cellen hebben een elektromagnetisch kompas


"When a living thing is injured, its body needs to move the cells that help repair it to the site of the damage. It does this by having cells respond to a change in the electromagnetic field of the damaged tissue. Scientists believe they now better understand how cells know where to go, and it has to do with proteins in the cells that work as on board compass."


Cells Magnetically Attract Towards Wounds, Now We Know How (


Internal compass points cells towards injury (New Scientist)


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Cell phones promote serious social, psychological issues


The Washington Times - "It's getting harder to differentiate between schizophrenics and people talking on the cell phone. It brings me up short to walk by somebody who appears to be talking to themselves." Bob Newhart.


What started out as a means of adult communication has become a teen status symbol and a new age addiction, and it is not a drug: It's a cell phone. Recent research at Baylor University finds the link between materialism and IT devices are creating a generation of learned compulsive behavior. With four billion cell phones in use today, that's a substantial amount of compulsion.

Cell phones act like a pacifier for impulsiveness, which is a major component of addiction. Studies reported by the Journal of Behavioral Sciences show that young adult send an average of 109.5 text messages daily and check their cell phones an average of 60 times a day.


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Documentaire: ''Where can we live? About being electrohypersensitive''


Short preview for the documentary ''Where can we live? About being electrohypersensitive''



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Electrosensitivity: is technology killing us?


Artikel in The Guardian over elektrogevoeligheid.


Frans parlement: voorzorgsprincipe m.b.t. WiFi op school

France: Electromagnetic Waves: The Precautionary Principle Soon to be Applied in Schools


Voted 19 March 2013 at the French National Assembly (Lower House), an amendment of the law stipulates that the establishment of the digital educational program foreseen by the text favors “wired” connections, that is, Ethernet, rather than Wi-Fi, in order to protect children.


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