Wetenschappelijke info EHS

Wetenschappelijke informatie elektrogevoeligheid

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Op deze webpagina wordt een nagenoeg volledig en up-to-date overzicht bijgehouden van alle wetenschappelijke studies naar elektrogevoeligheid.

  • Een onderzoeksgroep rond de Franse kankerspecialist Prof. Dr Dominique Belpomme verricht belangrijk onderzoek naar elektrohypersensitiviteit (EHS). Ze ontwikkelde onder andere diagnostische criteria en 'biomarkers' voor deze aandoening en ook wierp ze een licht op de mogelijke oorzaken. Eén van de verklaringen voor het feit dat sommige mensen gevoeliger zijn voor EM straling dan anderen, zou te maken hebben met het aantal 'magnetosomen' dat iemand heeft, een soort mini-kristallen die zich in de hersenen en op andere plaatsen in het menselijk lichaam bevinden (meer uitleg op Wikipedia en zie 'magnetosensorisch vermogen bij de mens'). Ook bij sommige diersoorten zijn magnetosomen terug te vinden. Het zijn receptoren voor het magnetische veld van de aarde en stellen dieren/mensen in staat zich te oriënteren. Sommige mensen zouden meer van deze magnetosomen hebben dan anderen, wat hen gevoeliger maakt voor EM straling. Ook het centrale zenuwstelsel speelt volgens Belpomme een centrale rol bij elektrogevoeligheid. Als de blootstelling van de elektrogevoelige aan EM straling niet aangepakt en verminderd wordt, zou de aandoening volgens Belpomme op termijn kunnen leiden tot neurologische aandoeningen zoals (vroegtijdige) dementie en multiple sclerose (MS). Op basis van zijn onderzoek legt Belpomme ook een verband met kanker.

  • De magnetosoom-hypothese wordt ook ondersteund door een studie gepubliceerd in Nature (zie microwavenews.com – 19/10/2011):

    Cornell biologists may have made a breakthrough in understanding why some people are electrosensitive. They report in Nature Communications that humans as well as many other species descended from a type of fish that lived some 500 million years ago which had a "well developed electroreceptive system." A possible implication is that some of us, like sharks and rays, may be able to detect very weak electric fields and perhaps a subset has an electroreceptive system that has gone awry. We concede that this is speculation on our part; for a more direct interpretation of the new paper, read the Cornell University press release.

    Meer informatie over deze studie vindt u in volgende pdf.

    "Most vertebrates — including humans — descended from ancestor with 'sixth sense'". "People experience the world through five senses but sharks, paddlefishes and certain other aquatic vertebrates have a sixth sense: They can detect weak electrical fields in the water and use this information to detect prey, communicate and orient themselves""some 30,000 species of land animals (including humans) and a roughly equal number of ray-finned fishes – descended from a common ancestor that had a welldeveloped electroreceptive system"

    Meer artikels op onze webpagina 'Magnetosensorisch vermogen bij de mens'.

  • Overzichtsartikel 'Elektromagnetische velden en elektrohypersensitiviteit'. Verschenen in NVS Nieuws, het blad van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Stralingshygiene, 2006 (3), 27-31 

  • Ginson P.R. (2009), Chemical and electromagnetic exposures as disability barriers: environmental sensitivity, Disability & Society, Volume 24, Issue 2 March 2009, pages 187 - 199


    This paper proposes that chemical and electromagnetic exposures pose technology-related disability barriers for people who have acquired sensitivities to them and that these barriers should be integrated into our understanding of disability. I discuss pervasive chemical and electrical exposures as products of industrialism that first engender impairments and then act as disability barriers to those who develop intolerance to them. I also remark on unique aspects of environmental sensitivities in the context of the social model.

    Volledige studie.


  • The Medical Perspective on Environmental Sensitivities (mei 2007)

    Margaret E. Sears (M. Eng, Ph.D.), Canadian Human Rights Commission


    "Approximately 3% of Canadians have been diagnosed with environmental sensitivities, and many more are somewhat sensitive to traces of chemicals and/or electromagnetic phenomena in the environment. People experience neurological and numerous other symptoms, and avoidance of triggers is an essential step to regaining health. The Canadian Human Rights Commission commissioned this report to summarize scientific information about environmental sensitivities. For those interested in the original scientific and technical literature, an annotated bibliography is available on request. This report addresses issues such as the definition and prevalence of environmental sensitivities; recognition by medical authorities; education and training within the medical community; origins, triggers and symptoms of sensitivities; impact of environmental sensitivities in the workplace; government policies and standards for building codes, air quality and ventilation as they affect individuals with environmental sensitivities; and guidelines for accommodation within the workplace. For people with environmental sensitivities, their health and ability to work rests with the actions of others, including building managers, co-workers and clients. Accommodating people with environmental sensitivities presents an opportunity to improve workplace environmental quality and workers' performance, and may help prevent the onset of sensitivities in others."



  • Rapport van de Nederlandse Stichting Elektrohypersensitiviteit: EHS in the Netherlands (2007)"The results of a questionnaire that was completed by 250 electrohypersensitive (EHS) persons in the Netherlands over a 3-year period, who contacted the EHS Foundation on their own initiative. Self declared health problems were recorded along with the sources of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) - if known - that caused the health effects"

  • Electromagnetic hypersensitivity, Powerwatch UK.

  • In oktober 2004 hield de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie een workshop over elektrogevoeligheid. Over de belangenvermenging, het lobbywerk en de onwetenschappelijke manier van werken bij de WGO kunt u meer lezen hier. Na de workshop is een samenvattend document geschreven. Prof. Dr. Johansson, die deelnam aan de workshop, heeft toen een 'formal reservation' opgesteld, omdat hij - terecht - niet met de inhoud van het document akkoord ging. De WGO heeft toen echter op ondemocratische manier geweigerd om deze 'formal reservation' toe te voegen aan het document. U kunt Johansson's tekst terug vinden hier. In de tekst komen ook de maatregelen aan bod die in Zweden genomen zijn om elektrogevoeligen de kans te geven op een menswaardig leven.

  • Letter to the Editor: Will We All Become Electrosensitive?, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 25: 189–191, 2006

  • Sensitivity to Non-Ionising Radiation in Ireland (2005), Irish Doctors Environmental Association (IDEA)


    "Over the last more than 20 years, accounts of individual's apparent sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) have been published in several countries. Studies in these different jurisdictions have estimated the prevalence of this condition to be between 1 and 5% in the general population. Recent research in Sweden has found that the number of people reporting symptoms that they associated with this sensitivity has been rising rapidly. In Ireland, the number of people who describe themselves as sensitive to radiation from mobile telephone base stations, mobile telephones and other electromagnetic appliances has also been increasing. These individuals report experiencing a range of symptoms when they are exposed to such radiation. These symptoms can vary from mild to severe and some can be extremely debilitating. A possible explanation is that people who are affected in this way have a physiological sensitivity to environmental stressors such as EMR.The Irish Doctors' Environmental Association (IDEA) is a group of doctors and other health professionals who wish to highlight possible links between changes in the environment and health. To this end, IDEA undertook a descriptive study of 16 people in Ireland who appeared to be sensitive to exposure to EMR. The study involved applying a structured questionnaire to a self-selected group of individuals who experienced symptoms that they related to exposure to electromagnetic radiation. The participants were then examined by a doctor and a range of laboratory investigations was conducted on them." Zie ook IDEA Position on Electro-Magnetic Radiation.

  • Mystery in the skin: Screen dermatitis, the effect of electromagnetic radiation on human skin. An interview with associate professor Olle Johansson at the Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

    Bibliografie van studies uitgevoerd door Prof. Dr. Olle Johansson en collega's.

  • Hoe de Duitse arts von Klitzing te werk gaat bij het testen voor/diagnosticeren van elektrogevoeligheid: klik + artikel 'Elektrosensibilität ist messbar'.

    Zie ook www.umweltphysik.com.
  • Electrosensitivity: FAQs (Dr. David Dowson M.D.)

  • Een aantal interessante referenties op p. 11-12 in het volgende document.