Nieuwsartikels elektrogevoeligheid
Overzicht enkele oudere artikels elektrogevoeligheid
- Gegevens
- Gepubliceerd: vrijdag 23 april 2010 18:18
- Allergisch voor elektriciteit (Reformatorisch Dagblad, december 2004)
- Brundtland: ''autoriteiten moeten elektrogevoeligheid serieus nemen'' (Toronto Star (Canada), november 2005)
- Stress door koelkast of telefoon (Haagsche Courant, april 2005)
- Electrical fields can make you sick (Sunday Times, september 2005)
"A GOVERNMENT agency has acknowledged for the first time that people can suffer nausea, headaches and muscle pains when exposed to electromagnetic fields from mobile phones, electricity pylons and computer screens. The condition known as electrosensitivity, a heightened reaction to electrical energy, will be recognised as a physical impairment.
A report by the Health Protection Agency (HPA), to be published next month, will state that increasing numbers of British people are suffering from the syndrome. While the total figure is not known, thousands are believed to be affected to some extent.
The findings should lead to better treatment for sufferers. In Sweden people who are allergic to electrical energy receive government support to reduce exposure in their homes and workplaces."
- Convenience may be causing people to get sick. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a growing health concern (Inside Toronto, november 2007)
- Victory in six-year fight to recognise electrosensitivity condition (Sutton Coldfield News, 2006)
- Woman claims allergy to electricity (november 2007)
- When Medicine Fails Us: Diagnosing Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Sensitivity (LAchroncile, september 2007)
- Brief van Lucinda Grant (februari 2005)
- Scientists serious about 'electricity sickness claims' (Telegraph, januari 2005)