WiFi op school

ISRAEL Supreme court on WIFI -07/2013 - summary


stopumts.nl / norad4u - Update from the supreme court today on the appeal to stop the deployment of WIFI in schools in ISRAEL:


It seams that in the last few days the department of education have published an update to its definition document about the deployment of WIFI in schools, saying that no WIFI will be installed in kindergartens and that kids in the first and second grade will be exposed to WIFI ''only'' 3 times a week, one hour each. This is new, in the last year WIFI routers have been installed in kindergartens.


The ministry of education said again that wireless networks will be installed only in case that wired internet will not be ''safe'' to use. This is the same as they said 2 years ago and now 1300 schools out of 4000 have WIFI in them.




The court said that there is no presented data about how many schools were equipped with wireless computer networks and how many with wired.

The court said that there are EHS kids and ask the ministry of education what will be done in such a case of an EHS student (we filled about 10 affidavit of EHS people to the court, one of them is a mother to 2 EHS kids). The ministry of education lawyer said that the irradiation will be stopped in this case, but no such case is known to here or to the ministry stuff. A parent from the audience said ''my kid is an EHS, she has headaches and sleeping problem since the WIFI was installed''. The court noted that in the suite itself there are sensitive kids!


The court ordered the ministry of education to come up with the number of schools in which wireless networks were installed, number of schools in which wired networks were installed and number of schools in which there are EHS students (!!!).