Wetenschappelijk nieuws

Baanbrekend onderzoek Amerikaanse overheid bevestigt kankerrisico door gsm

cellheadPersbericht Beperk de Straling (PDF):

Een nieuwe studie van de Amerikaanse overheid zal een grote impact hebben op het reeds lang bestaande debat over de link tussen gsm-straling en kanker. De internationale pers berichtte hier reeds uitgebreid over (overzicht als PDF).

Op 26 mei 2016 werden de resultaten vrijgegeven van een grootschalige studie uitgevoerd binnen het 'National Toxicology Program' (NTP), een gerenommeerd onderzoeksinstituut verbonden aan het Amerikaanse ministerie van gezondheid. De studie is één van meest diepgaande die tot op heden plaatsvond.

2.500 ratten werden over een periode van 2 jaar al dan niet gedurende bepaalde periodes aan gsm-straling blootgesteld.

De ratten blootgesteld aan straling, bleken hogere ratio's te hebben van twee specifieke types zeldzame kankers: glioma's (tumoren van de gliacellen in de hersenen) en maligne schwannoma van het hart  (tumoren van de Schwanncellen, die ook kunnen voorkomen op de gehoorszenuw).

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Low-Intensity Microwave Radiation Alters Neurotransmitters in the Rat Brain


PubMed - "The increasing use of wireless communication devices has raised major concerns towards deleterious effects of microwave radiation on human health. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the effect of low-intensity microwave radiation on levels of monoamine neurotransmitters and gene expression of their key regulating enzymes in brain of Fischer rats."


"In conclusion, the results indicate that low-intensity microwave radiation may cause learning and memory disturbances by altering levels of brain monoamine neurotransmitters at mRNA and protein levels."



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Blootstelling bij vele experimenten onrealistisch laag - lokale SAR-waarden in weefsel veel hoger dan theoretisch aangenomen tot nu toe


Blogpost van Prof.  Dariusz Leszczynski die uitlegt dat de blootstelling bij vele experimenten tot nu toe onrealistisch laag was onder druk van industriewetenschappers (o.a. Nokia), te laag om effecten te vinden. Men kreeg pas financiering voor studies wanneer de blootstelling onrealistisch laag was (minder dan 2,0 SAR). De lokale blootstelling (SAR-waarden) in weefsels bij een reële (real life) blootstelling aan gsm-straling blijkt echter veel hoger dan theoretisch aangenomen tot nu toe.


"The general trend of exposing cells at 2.0 SAR was strongly advocated and propagated by the scientists from the telecom industry. It was a normal occurrence at the scientific meetings that whenever scientist reported biological effects at SAR over 2.0, the above mentioned industry scientists jumped up to the microphone to condemn and to discredit the results. The argument was always the same – safety standards are set at 2.0 and examining effects above it is futile. Furthermore, any study with SAR above 2.0 was suggested to be caused by thermal effect. It meant, according to these industry scientists that the obtained biological data were irrelevant.


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Exposure to 900MHz electromagnetic fields activates the mkp-1/ERK pathway and causes blood-brain barrier damage and cognitive impairment in rats


PubMed - Brain Res. 2015 Jan


Abstract - With the rapid increase in the number of mobile phone users, the potential adverse effects of the electromagnetic field radiation emitted by a mobile phone has become a serious concern. This study demonstrated, for the first time, the blood-brain barrier and cognitive changes in rats exposed to 900MHz electromagnetic field (EMF) and aims to elucidate the potential molecular pathway underlying these changes. (...) We found that the frequency of crossing platforms and the percentage of time spent in the target quadrant were lower in rats exposed to EMF for 28 days than in rats exposed to EMF for 14 days and unexposed rats. Moreover, 28 days of EMF exposure induced cellular edema and neuronal cell organelle degeneration in the rat. In addition, damaged BBB permeability, which resulted in albumin and HO-1 extravasation were observed in the hippocampus and cortex. Thus, for the first time, we found that EMF exposure for 28 days induced the expression of mkp-1, resulting in ERK dephosphorylation. Taken together, these results demonstrated that exposure to 900MHz EMF radiation for 28 days can significantly impair spatial memory and damage BBB permeability in rat by activating the mkp-1/ERK pathway.



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Self-Reporting of Symptom Development From Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields of Wireless Smart Meters in Victoria, Australia


PubMed - In 2006, the government in the state of Victoria, Australia, mandated the rollout of smart meters in Victoria, which effectively removed a whole population's ability to avoid exposure to human-made high-frequency nonionizing radiation. This issue appears to constitute an unprecedented public health challenge for Victoria. By August 2013, 142 people had reported adverse health effects from wireless smart meters by submitting information on an Australian public Web site using its health and legal registers.


Results - The most frequently reported symptoms from exposure to smart meters were (1) insomnia, (2) headaches, (3) tinnitus, (4) fatigue, (5) cognitive disturbances, (6) dysesthesias (abnormal sensation), and (7) dizziness. The effects of these symptoms on people's lives were significant.


Conclusions - Review of some key studies, both recent and old (1971), reveals that the participants' symptoms were the same as those reported by people exposed to radiofrequency fields emitted by devices other than smart meters. Interestingly, the vast majority of Victorian cases did not state that they had been sufferers of electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome (EHS) prior to exposure to the wireless meters, which points to the possibility that smart meters may have unique characteristics that lower people's threshold for symptom development.



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Impact of head morphology on local brain specific absorption rate from exposure to mobile phone radiation


De huidige hoofdmodellen die gebruikt worden om de stralingsabsorptie in het hoofd te meten ('fantoom'hoofden gevuld met vloeistof) schieten te kort. Men moet rekening houden met de specifieke vorm en morfologie die elk hoofd kan hebben. Deze kan leiden tot onvoorziene 'hotspots' in de hersenen met een zeer grote stralingsabsorptie.




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'Personal exposure meters' onderschatten de werkelijke blootstelling


Personal exposure meters underestimate the exposure of humans to non-ionizing radiation in indoor environments.

de Miguel-Bilbao et al. Assessment of human body influence on exposure measurements of electric field in indoor enclosures. Bioelectromagnetics. 2014 Nov 14. (PubMed)

Personal exposure meters (PEMs) used for measuring exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) are typically used in epidemiological studies. As is well known, these measurement devices cause a perturbation of real EMF exposure levels due to the presence of the human body in the immediate proximity. This paper aims to model the alteration caused by the body shadow effect (BSE) in motion conditions and in indoor enclosures at the Wi-Fi frequency of 2.4 GHz.

It has been found that the influence of the presence of the human body can be characterized as an angle of shadow that depends on the dimensions of the indoor enclosure.


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Low intensity radiofrequency radiation: a new oxidant for living cells


ScopeMed (Open Access)


Extract: "A number of experimental studies demonstrate metabolic effects induced by low intensity RFR  [15-17]. Notwithstanding the non-ionizing nature of RFR, profound mutagenic effects and features of significant oxidative stress in living cells under low  intensity RFR exposure were detected using various biological models [18, 19]. Some of the papers however still show an absence of biological effects [20]. To clarify the picture, we analyzed peer-reviewed publications on oxidative effects of RFR and found altogether 80 currently available papers, of which a remarkable part, 76 papers (92.5%), reported the detection of significant oxidative stress..."


"Whatever the particular first-step molecular mechanisms, it is clear that the substantial overproduction of ROS in living cells under low intensity RFR exposure could cause a broad spectrum of health disorders and diseases, including cancer in
humans. Undoubtedly, this calls for the further intensive research in the area, as well as to a precautionary approach in routine usage of wireless devices."


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