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Impact of head morphology on local brain specific absorption rate from exposure to mobile phone radiation


De huidige hoofdmodellen die gebruikt worden om de stralingsabsorptie in het hoofd te meten ('fantoom'hoofden gevuld met vloeistof) schieten te kort. Men moet rekening houden met de specifieke vorm en morfologie die elk hoofd kan hebben. Deze kan leiden tot onvoorziene 'hotspots' in de hersenen met een zeer grote stralingsabsorptie.




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'Personal exposure meters' onderschatten de werkelijke blootstelling


Personal exposure meters underestimate the exposure of humans to non-ionizing radiation in indoor environments.

de Miguel-Bilbao et al. Assessment of human body influence on exposure measurements of electric field in indoor enclosures. Bioelectromagnetics. 2014 Nov 14. (PubMed)

Personal exposure meters (PEMs) used for measuring exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) are typically used in epidemiological studies. As is well known, these measurement devices cause a perturbation of real EMF exposure levels due to the presence of the human body in the immediate proximity. This paper aims to model the alteration caused by the body shadow effect (BSE) in motion conditions and in indoor enclosures at the Wi-Fi frequency of 2.4 GHz.

It has been found that the influence of the presence of the human body can be characterized as an angle of shadow that depends on the dimensions of the indoor enclosure.


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Low intensity radiofrequency radiation: a new oxidant for living cells


ScopeMed (Open Access)


Extract: "A number of experimental studies demonstrate metabolic effects induced by low intensity RFR  [15-17]. Notwithstanding the non-ionizing nature of RFR, profound mutagenic effects and features of significant oxidative stress in living cells under low  intensity RFR exposure were detected using various biological models [18, 19]. Some of the papers however still show an absence of biological effects [20]. To clarify the picture, we analyzed peer-reviewed publications on oxidative effects of RFR and found altogether 80 currently available papers, of which a remarkable part, 76 papers (92.5%), reported the detection of significant oxidative stress..."


"Whatever the particular first-step molecular mechanisms, it is clear that the substantial overproduction of ROS in living cells under low intensity RFR exposure could cause a broad spectrum of health disorders and diseases, including cancer in
humans. Undoubtedly, this calls for the further intensive research in the area, as well as to a precautionary approach in routine usage of wireless devices."


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Voltage-gated calcium channels: replace ICNIRP’s “fictional” heating limits


Professor Pall’s important 2013 review (J Cell Mol Med.), showing one mechanism by which EM exposure affects cells, is on the list of Global Medical Discoveries of 2nd March. Pall’s new paper advocates improving microwave exposure limits in two ways: (a) reduce exposure levels by 100 to 1,000 times immediately; (b) introduce biologically-based safety tests. Over 20,000 studies show EM effects below current heating-based safety limits. Fictional heating limits are no longer relevant.


Bron: ES-UK Newsletter November 2014


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Reliability of Swedish Brain Tumor Data Questioned


microwavenews.com - Are Rates Actually Increasing?


Some leading epidemiologists have been saying that cell phones don’t pose a brain tumor risk because cancer rates are not going up. Now comes word that Swedish cancer registry data are in disarray and official statistics may be masking a disquieting trend.

Since 2008, there has been a close to 30% increase in patients with a brain tumor of an “unknown nature” and that increase is not reflected in the national cancer registry, according to a new analysis by Mona Nilsson, a Swedish journalist and the chairman of the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation.


Nilsson reports that the number of Swedes who died of a brain tumor of an unknown nature rose by 157% between 2008 and 2013. And among those younger than 70, the increase was even “more pronounced” — there were 82 such deaths in 2013, compared to only 7 in 2008. Yet, Nilsson adds, “the number of patients reported dead of brain tumors with a confirmed diagnosis declined” during that same period.


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Cell phone radiation (900 MHz GSM) causes oxidative stress in discrete brain regions of rats


Bratislava Medical Journal. 2014;115(5):260-6.


RESULTS: Altered behavioral performances were found in RF-EMR-exposed rats. Additionally, elevated TBARS level was found with all brain regions studied. RF-EMR exposure significantly decreased TA in the amygdala and cerebellum but its level was not significantly changed in other brain regions. GST activity was significantly decreased in the hippocampus but, its activity was unaltered in other brain regions studied.

CONCLUSION: RF-EMR exposure for a month induced oxidative stress in rat brain, but its magnitude was different in different regions studied. RF-EMR-induced oxidative stress could be one of the underlying causes for the behavioral deficits seen in rats after RF-EMR exposure (Fig. 5, Ref. 37).


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Activation of VEGF/Flk-1-ERK Pathway Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Injury After Microwave Exposure


PubMed - "Microwaves have been suggested to induce neuronal injury and increase permeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), but the mechanism remains unknown. The role of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)/Flk-1-Raf/MAPK kinase (MEK)/extracellular-regulated protein kinase (ERK) pathway in structural and functional injury of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) following microwave exposure was examined."


" (...) results indicated that the structure of the BBB was damaged and the permeability of ions and low-molecular-weight molecules was increased."


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