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Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine: 4 recent early online papers


Effect of exposure and withdrawal of 900-MHz-electromagnetic waves on brain, kidney and liver oxidative stress and some biochemical parameters in male rats

Merhan Mamdouh Ragy. Effect of exposure and withdrawal of 900-MHz-electromagnetic waves on brain, kidneyand liver oxidative stress and some biochemical parameters in male rats. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. Posted online on April 8, 2014. (doi:10.3109/15368378.2014.906446).

Wi-Fi Radiation Induces “Diabetic-Like Status” in Rats


Smart grid awareness - In a recent study published in the journal of Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology [1], an investigation was performed to study the effects of exposing rats to radiofrequency (RF) radiation from Wi-Fi devices and to further study the possible protective role of administering an olive leaf extract to reduce the damage in liver and kidney cells of the exposed rats.


RF Effects on Rats


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The Effect of Microwaves on the Central Nervous System


W. Bergman, Translated from German for Ford Motor Company, 1965


[Archived by Magda Havas.]


The autonomic nervous system is affected by the microwaves of the centimeter wave length band. These waves affect circulation, respiration, temperature control, water balance, albumin and sugar concentration in the cerebro-spinal fluid. Hydrogen ion concentration. EEG. GSR, sleep. conscious awareness, etc. Depending on the applied dosage, these waves stimulate the sympathetic or parasympathetic system. Very small dosages produce analgesic effects; however, very large dosages are fatal. An undamped or modulated frequency is more effective than damped waves. The biological effect of these waves results from the resonance absorption in the ganglia. There are indications that only higher harmonics) and not the fundamental frequency. produce biological effects . The shielding of the test subject by metal screens increases these effects; however, magnetic fields remove them. Higher harmonics producing these biological effects have physical properties which are similar to those of the bio-electrical energy generated by the human body. The mechanism of hypnosis is explained by the transmission of this energy.




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Fysicus waarschuwt voor vroegtijdige veroudering hersenen


Paul Héroux, fysicus aan het hoofd van het "In Vitro Toxicology Laboratory" aan de McGill universiteit in Canada, waarschuwt dat EM straling tot een vroegtijdige veroudering van de hersenen kan leiden. Hij deed zelf lange tijd onderzoek naar de elektrische eigenschappen van levende weefsels en onderwijst nu aan de medische faculteit van McGill universiteit over de gezondheidseffecten van straling.


EM straling is volgens hem niet op slag dodelijk, maar heeft een uitwerking op lange termijn. Neurologen met expertise ter zake menen volgens hem dat EM straling zorgt voor een langzame erosie, een accumulatie van lichte beschadigingen aan de hersenen. Het resultaat is een vroegtijdige veroudering van de hersenen en een snellere mentale achteruitgang.


Hij stelt verder dat we eerder al een gelijkaardige situatie meemaakten toen er nog lood in benzine zat, hetgeen het IQ van een hele generatie kinderen met 5 punten naar beneden heeft gehaald.


Hij stelt ook dat de beste experten wereldwijd wijzen op een verband tussen kanker en zowel laag- als hoogfrequente straling.


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"Alarmerende" toename van hoofd- en halskanker bij jonge volwassenen


Reuters / Mediquality - NEW YORK 07/02 – De incidentie van orofaryngeaal carcinoom in de VS is bijna verdubbeld de laatste 40 jaar bij patiënten van 36 tot 44 jaar, volgens een retrospectieve studie.


"Artsen moeten een lage drempel behouden om jonge patiënten die consulteren met vergrote lymfeklieren in de hals of andere verontrustende symptomen voor hoofd- en halskanker agressief te onderzoeken," verklaarde Dr. Farzan Siddiqui van Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, Michigan via email aan Reuters Health. "Bij deze patiënten moeten de mondholte en de orofarynx nauwgezet onderzocht worden."


"Hoofd- en halskanker werden traditioneel in verband gebracht met middelmisbruik (roken en alcoholmisbruik)," noteerde Dr. Siddiqui. "De meeste patiënten die we een tiental jaar geleden zagen, waren in de 60 of de 70 en hadden een slechte algemene gezondheid en een gecompromitteerde overleving. Vandaag daarentegen, zien we jonge personen die nooit gerookt hebben of slechts matig gedronken hebben, die consulteren met orofaryngeale kanker. Ze zijn overigens algemeen gezond en in goede fysieke conditie, behalve hun diagnose van kanker."


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The effects of long-term exposure to a 2450 MHz electromagnetic field on growth and pubertal development in female Wistar rats




"Exposure to 2450 MHz EMF, particularly in the prenatal period, resulted in postnatal growth restriction and delayed puberty in female Wistar rats. Increased TOS and OSI values in the brain and ovary tissues can be interpreted as a sign of chronic stress induced by EMF. This is the first longitudinal study which investigates the effects of EMF induced by wireless internet on pubertal development beside growth."



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Effect of long-term exposure of 2.4GHz radiofrequency radiation emitted from Wi-Fi equipment on testes functions




"In conclusion, we observed that long-term exposure of 2.4 GHz RF emitted from Wi-Fi (2420 μW/kg, 1 g average) affects some of the reproductive parameters of male rats. We suggest Wi-Fi users to avoid long-term exposure of RF emissions from Wi-Fi equipment."



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Radiation Proteomics: A Brief Overview


Acute biological effects caused by the exposure to high doses of radiation, either ionizing or non-ionizing, are relatively well known but the delayed effects, occurring decades after exposure, are difficult to predict. The knowledge of the acute and delayed effects of the low doses of ionizing radiation (e.g. bystander effect) or non-ionizing radiation (e.g. radiation emitted by wireless communication devices) is not yet reliably established. Often the acute effects of low doses are small and difficult to discover and replicate in scientific studies. Chronic effects of prolonged exposures to low-dose radiation for decades are virtually unknown and often not possible to predict on the basis of the knowledge gained from acute exposures to high doses of radiation. Physiological significance of the biological effects induced by low doses of radiation is not known. The same lack of predictability of outcomes applies to the delayed effects of high-dose radiation exposures. Proteomics, supplemented with other "omics" techniques, might be the best way forward to find out the target molecules of radiation, the biomarkers of radiation exposure and the physiological and health significance of the acute and delayed biological effects caused by the exposures to high and low-dose radiation. However, the currently available database of radiation effects on proteomes is far too small to be useful in formulation of new hypotheses concerning health consequences of radiation exposures.



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Mobile phones affect multiple sperm quality traits: a meta-analysis


smartphone_en_zaadcelAs mobile phone usage is growing rapidly, there is a need for a comprehensive analysis of the literature to inform scientific debates about the adverse effects of mobile phone radiation on sperm quality traits. Therefore, we conducted a meta-analysis of the eligible published research studies on human males of reproductive age. Eleven studies were eligible for this analysis. Based on the meta-analysis, mobile phone use was significantly associated with deterioration in semen quality. The traits particularly affected adversely were sperm concentration, sperm morphology, sperm motility, proportion of non-progressive motile sperm (%), proportion of slow progressive motile sperm (%), and sperm viability. (...) The analysis shows that mobile phone use is possibly associated with a number of deleterious effects on the spermatozoa.


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