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Environmental Fields (EMF) Interact with Living Systems to Affect Health (book chapter)


Environmental Fields (EMF) Interact with Living Systems to Affect Health (book chapter)


Panagopoulos, DJ. Electromagnetic Interaction between Environmental Fields and Living Systems Determines Health and Well-Being. In Kwang, MH. and Yoon, SO. (eds.) Electromagnetic Fields: Principles, Engineering Applications and Biophysical Effects. Nova Publishers. 2013. URL: https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=37822


This 41 page book chapter can be downloaded from:



Summary (from Abstract)


The chapter presents data showing the electric nature of the natural environment and living organisms and discusses how the interaction between the two, determines health and well-being.


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Studie: cellen hebben een elektromagnetisch kompas


"When a living thing is injured, its body needs to move the cells that help repair it to the site of the damage. It does this by having cells respond to a change in the electromagnetic field of the damaged tissue. Scientists believe they now better understand how cells know where to go, and it has to do with proteins in the cells that work as on board compass."


Cells Magnetically Attract Towards Wounds, Now We Know How (Geekosystem.com)


Internal compass points cells towards injury (New Scientist)


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Early-Stage Placental Tissue Altered by Cell Phone Radiation


Proteomic Analysis on the Alteration of Protein Expression in the Early-Stage Placental Villous Tissue of Electromagnetic Fields Associated With Cell Phone Exposure

Conclusion: Cell phone EMF might alter the protein profile of chorionic tissue of early pregnancy, during the most sensitive stage of the embryos. The exposure to EMF may cause adverse effects on cell proliferation and development of nervous system in early embryos. Furthermore, 2-DE coupled with mass spectrometry is a promising approach to elucidate the effects and search for new biomarkers for environmental toxic effects.


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Are Magnetic Fields in Incubators Confounding Cell Culture Studies?

Squashing the Cheshire Cat


microwavenews.com - Lucas Portelli just ran over the Cheshire cat. He didn't know it was there. He's too young to appreciate how this fictional feline has held sway in the EMF-health controversy.


In a systematic measurement survey, Portelli has shown that the ambient static and time-varying magnetic fields in laboratory incubators are large and variable: He found that they can differ by a factor of a hundred or even a thousand within and between incubators.


"These variations can be observed within the same incubator in locations that are centimeters apart," he writes in a paper published in Bioelectromagnetics earlier this month. Such magnetic fields could be a "potential confounder" of cell culture studies, he warns.


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Scientific Peer Review in Crisis - The case of the Danish Cohort


Opinion piece by Dariusz Leszczynski, Research Professor at STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Helsinki, Finland and visiting professor at Swinburne University of Technology in Australia. He is an expert in the biological and health effects of cell phone radiation. Since 2009 he publishes a science blog dealing with the issue of cell phone radiation and health: http://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com


Scientific Peer Review in Crisis - The case of the Danish Cohort, gepubliceerd in The Scientist


The publication of a scientific study in a peer-reviewed journal is commonly recognized as a kind of "nobilitation" of the study that confirms its worth. The peer-review process was designed to assure the validity and quality of science that seeks publication. This is not always the case. If and when peer review fails, sloppy science gets published.


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Five of the Top EMF Scandals of 2011


Electromagnetic Bioeffects Blog - A recent article in The Scientist: Magazine of the Life Sciences listed the top five science scandals of 2011 (science scandals). (...) These five obscure instances are what a big-time science journal considered the premier ethical lapses in science during 2011. But these cases of fraud, falsification, and plagiarism, if that’s what they were, probably affected only a few hundred people at most—the rest of the ten billion people on earth were unaffected. For this reason, the magazine article seriously trivialized the concept of ethical misconduct in science. Meaningful misconduct hurts people, and a scientist should hurt a lot of people to qualify for a top-five ranking. By this standard, my candidates for the top five science scandals of 2011 involved publications by Leeka Kheifets, James Rubin, Michael Repacholi, Joe Elder, and Mays Swicord. Articles they published in 2011, which were continuations of their life work, directly and materially contributed to the occurrence of cancer and other dreadful diseases in many million men, women, and children.


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Update van het BioInitiative-rapport uit 2007


Persbericht: BioInitiative 2012 Report Issues New Warnings on Wireless and EMF


''A new report by the BioInitiative Working Group 2012 says that evidence for risks to health has substantially increased since 2007 from electromagnetic fields and wireless technologies (radiofrequency radiation). The Report reviews over 1800 new scientific studies. Cell phone users, parents-to-be, young children and pregnant women are at particular risk.

“There is a consistent pattern of increased risk for glioma (a malignant brain tumor) and acoustic neuroma with use of mobile and cordless phones” says Lennart Hardell, MD at Orebro University, Sweden. “Epidemiological evidence shows that radiofrequency should be classified as a human carcinogen. The existing FCC/IEE and ICNIRP public safety limits and reference levels are not adequate to protect public health.”

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Mobile Phone Turns Enzyme Solution into A Gel, possible explanation for brain damage


ISIS Report 14/01/05 

Mobile Phone Turns Enzyme Solution into A Gel

A highly reproducible non-thermal effect of mobile phones depends on interaction between protein and water. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. says it brings us closing to understanding the biophysics involved in how weak electromagnetic radiation can have biological effects.

Sources for this article are posted on ISIS members’ website. Details here


Serious brain damage unaccounted for


The most striking effect of exposure to the radio-frequency (RF) radiation from mobile phones is damage to the brain and brain cells of rats (see "Mobile phones & brain damage" SiS24), which were found at levels of exposure far below the current safety limits. After just two hours of such exposure, blood albumin leaked into the brain causing brain cells to die; and the effects lasted for at least 50 days after a single exposure. But no clear mechanism has emerged to explain this or other ‘non-thermal’ effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) even after a concerted, Europe-wide research programme (see "Confirmed: mobile phones break DNA and scramble genomes", this series).


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Studie: hippocampus beschadigd door langdurige blootstelling aan hoogfrequente straling - verminderd cognitief functioneren tot gevolg


Bron: Biomedical and Environmental Sciences. 2012 Apr. 25 (2):182-8.

Relationship between cognition function and hippocampus structure after long-term microwave exposure.


RESULTS: Following long-term microwave exposure there was a significant decrease in learning and memory activity in the 7 d, 14 d, and 1 m in all three microwave exposure groups. Neurotransmitter concentrations of four amino acids (glutamate, aspartic acid, glycine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid) in hippocampus were increased in the 2.5 and 5 mW/cm2 groups and decreased in the 10 mW/cm2 group. There was evidence of neuronal degeneration and enlarged perivascular spaces in the hippocampus in the microwave exposure groups. Further, mitochondria became swollen and cristae were disordered. The rough endoplasmic reticulum exhibited sacculated distension and there was a decrease in the quantity of synaptic vesicles.

CONCLUSION: These data suggest that the hippocampus can be injured by long-term microwave exposure, which might result in impairment of cognitive function due to neurotransmitter disruption.


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Interview over bioelektriciteit met professor aan Oxford University


British Scientist Driven To Find 'Spark Of Life'

Beluister het interview hier.

- One night in 1984, British scientist Frances Ashcroft was studying electricity in the body and discovered the protein that causes neonatal diabetes. She says she felt so "over the moon" that she couldn't sleep.


By the next morning, she says, she thought it was a mistake.

But luckily, that feeling was wrong, and Ashcroft's revelation led to a medical breakthrough decades later, which now enables people born with diabetes to take pills instead of injecting insulin.


"I don't think people realize the excitement of being a true discoverer," Ashcroft tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross. "There are no new places to discover on this Earth, but there are many, many new ideas to discover — new things to find out about the way the world works."


Ashcroft says she grew up wanting to be a farmer's wife but later became fascinated with studying electrical impulses in the body. Her new book The Spark of Life details how electricity drives everything we think, feel or do through ion channels that are found in the membranes of each of our cells.


"Your ability to hear me now is because there are cells in your ears that are converting sound waves into an electrical signal, which is what the brain can interpret as sound," Ashcroft says.

Ashcroft is a professor at Oxford University and the winner of the L'oreal-UNESCO Award for Women in Science. She is now working on trying to see a particular protein at atomic resolution and on understanding why people become overweight.



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