Wetenschappelijk nieuws

Mobile Phone Turns Enzyme Solution into A Gel, possible explanation for brain damage


ISIS Report 14/01/05 

Mobile Phone Turns Enzyme Solution into A Gel

A highly reproducible non-thermal effect of mobile phones depends on interaction between protein and water. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. says it brings us closing to understanding the biophysics involved in how weak electromagnetic radiation can have biological effects.

Sources for this article are posted on ISIS members’ website. Details here


Serious brain damage unaccounted for


The most striking effect of exposure to the radio-frequency (RF) radiation from mobile phones is damage to the brain and brain cells of rats (see "Mobile phones & brain damage" SiS24), which were found at levels of exposure far below the current safety limits. After just two hours of such exposure, blood albumin leaked into the brain causing brain cells to die; and the effects lasted for at least 50 days after a single exposure. But no clear mechanism has emerged to explain this or other ‘non-thermal’ effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) even after a concerted, Europe-wide research programme (see "Confirmed: mobile phones break DNA and scramble genomes", this series).


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Studie: hippocampus beschadigd door langdurige blootstelling aan hoogfrequente straling - verminderd cognitief functioneren tot gevolg


Bron: Biomedical and Environmental Sciences. 2012 Apr. 25 (2):182-8.

Relationship between cognition function and hippocampus structure after long-term microwave exposure.


RESULTS: Following long-term microwave exposure there was a significant decrease in learning and memory activity in the 7 d, 14 d, and 1 m in all three microwave exposure groups. Neurotransmitter concentrations of four amino acids (glutamate, aspartic acid, glycine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid) in hippocampus were increased in the 2.5 and 5 mW/cm2 groups and decreased in the 10 mW/cm2 group. There was evidence of neuronal degeneration and enlarged perivascular spaces in the hippocampus in the microwave exposure groups. Further, mitochondria became swollen and cristae were disordered. The rough endoplasmic reticulum exhibited sacculated distension and there was a decrease in the quantity of synaptic vesicles.

CONCLUSION: These data suggest that the hippocampus can be injured by long-term microwave exposure, which might result in impairment of cognitive function due to neurotransmitter disruption.


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Interview over bioelektriciteit met professor aan Oxford University


British Scientist Driven To Find 'Spark Of Life'

Beluister het interview hier.

- One night in 1984, British scientist Frances Ashcroft was studying electricity in the body and discovered the protein that causes neonatal diabetes. She says she felt so "over the moon" that she couldn't sleep.


By the next morning, she says, she thought it was a mistake.

But luckily, that feeling was wrong, and Ashcroft's revelation led to a medical breakthrough decades later, which now enables people born with diabetes to take pills instead of injecting insulin.


"I don't think people realize the excitement of being a true discoverer," Ashcroft tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross. "There are no new places to discover on this Earth, but there are many, many new ideas to discover — new things to find out about the way the world works."


Ashcroft says she grew up wanting to be a farmer's wife but later became fascinated with studying electrical impulses in the body. Her new book The Spark of Life details how electricity drives everything we think, feel or do through ion channels that are found in the membranes of each of our cells.


"Your ability to hear me now is because there are cells in your ears that are converting sound waves into an electrical signal, which is what the brain can interpret as sound," Ashcroft says.

Ashcroft is a professor at Oxford University and the winner of the L'oreal-UNESCO Award for Women in Science. She is now working on trying to see a particular protein at atomic resolution and on understanding why people become overweight.



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A Unified Theory of Weak Magnetic Field Action

McGill University Professor Proposes Radical New Outlook

September 27, 2012, microwavenews.com


Paul Héroux has a problem. He believes he has identified a way to control the growth of cancer cells, but he can't get his ideas into print. "We think we have the Rosetta Stone that will allow us to unravel the intricacies of cancer physiology," says Héroux, a professor at McGill University in Montreal. Yet, one scientific journal after another has refused to publish what he has found.


Part of Héroux's problem is that his argument is based on an even more controversial proposition than a possible cure for cancer: That extremely weak magnetic fields can bring about major changes in DNA. That is a tough sell. Héroux ups the ante another notch by claiming to show that those changes are so easy to spot that you don't need hi-tech instruments to see them, just a standard issue microscope. All you have to do is count chromosomes, admittedly with close attention to detail.

And that's not all. Héroux says he has pinpointed where and how the magnetic field acts on the cell.


Héroux is in McGill's Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health and runs the InVitroPlus Lab at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal.



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Mechanisms of electromagnetic radiation damaging male reproduction


More and more evidence from over 50 years of researches on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on male reproduction show that a certain dose of electromagnetic radiation obviously damages male reproduction, particularly the structure and function of spermatogenic cells. The mechanisms of the injury may be associated with energy dysmetabolism, lipid peroxidation, abnormal expressions of apoptosis-related genes and proteins, and DNA damage.


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Biophysical Evaluation of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Effects on Male Reproductive Pattern


Cell Biochem Biophys. 2012 Aug 29. [Epub ahead of print]


There are possible hazardous health effects of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiations emitted from mobile phone on the human reproductive pattern. It is more effective while keeping mobile phones in pocket or near testicular organs. Present review examines the possible concern on radio frequency radiation interaction and biological effects such as enzyme induction, and toxicological effects, including genotoxicity and carcinogenicity, testicular cancer, and reproductive outcomes. Testicular infertility or testicular cancer due to mobile phone or microwave radiations suggests an increased level of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Though generation of ROS in testis has been responsible for possible toxic effects on physiology of reproduction, the reviews of last few decades have well established that these radiations are very harmful and cause mutagenic changes in reproductive pattern and leads to infertility. The debate will be focused on bio-interaction mechanism between mobile phone and testicular cancer due to ROS formation. This causes the biological damage and leads to several changes like decreased sperm count, enzymatic and hormonal changes, DNA damage, and apoptosis formation. In the present review, physics of mobile phone including future research on various aspects has been discussed.


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Is human saliva an indicator of the adverse health effects of using mobile phones?




Increasing use of mobile phones creates growing concern regarding harmful effects of radiofrequency non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (NIER) on human tissues located close to the ear where phones are commonly held for long periods of time. We studied 20 subjects in the 'mobile phone group' who had a mean duration of mobile phone use of 12.5 years (range 8-15) and a mean time use of 29.6 hours per month (range 8-100). Deaf individuals served as controls. We compared salivary outcomes (secretion, oxidative damage indices, flow rate and composition) between mobile phone users and non-users. We report significant increase in all salivary oxidative stress indices studied in mobile phone users. Salivary flow, total protein, albumin and amylase activity were decreased in mobile phone users. These observations lead to the hypothesis that the use of mobile phones may cause oxidative stress and modify salivary function.


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Studie: sommige mensen veel gevoeliger voor de effecten van EM straling dan anderen

ABC Science / stopumts.nl - Een nieuwe Australische studie toont aan dat sommige personen veel grotere effecten ondervinden door blootstelling aan gsm-straling dan anderen. De studie focuste met name op het effect op de hersengolven. Een vervolgstudie wees uit dat bij de mensen bij wie een groter effect op de hersengolven werd vastgesteld, ook de hersenactiviteit tijdens de slaap meer beïnvloed werd.


Professor Rodney Croft wijst erop dat sommige mensen bijna niet reageren, terwijl andere mensen heel sterk reageren. Hieraan liggen allicht fysiologische verschillen ten grondslag.


Hij wijst er ook op dat dit vraagtekens oproept bij eerdere studies die geen of kleine gezondheidseffecten rapporteerden door EM straling. Doordat deze studies steeds kijken naar het gemiddeld effect, de gemiddelde resultaten bij de ganse groep, worden de significante effecten bij de gevoeligere proefpersonen verdoezeld.


Hij stelt dat de manier waarop onderzoek naar EM straling gebeurd herdacht moet worden, met meer focus op gevoelige personen, en dat ook mogelijk een herinterpretatie nodig is van de onderzoeksresultaten van eerdere studies.



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Symposium over boomaantastingen door elektromagnetische straling


Sinds enkele jaren wordt vastgesteld dat bij bomen steeds meer onverklaarbare aantastingen voorkomen. Bomen bevinden zich in steeds slechtere gezondheid. Wetenschappers leggen de link met de toename van de elektromagnetische stralingsniveaus.

In februari 2011 werd hierover een symposium georganiseerd in Nederland. Bekijk de video van dit symposium hier.


Meer informatie op www.boomaantastingen.nl



Belgische studie toont schadelijk effect van gsm-stralen op mieren en eencelligen


mierhln.be / demorgen.be - Een onderzoek van de ULB toont aan dat gsm-stralen een schadelijk effect hebben op mieren en eencellige micro-organismen die vaak bij wetenschappelijk onderzoek gebruikt worden. De ULB meldt in een persbericht dat het onderzoek een primeur is voor België. "Als gsm-stralen schadelijk zijn voor eencelligen, geldt dat voor iedereen", aldus Marie-Claire Cammaerts van de vakgroep Biologie van organismen. Alle functies die een celmembraan nodig hebben worden aangetast, het zenuwstelstel in de eerste plaats."


Gsm-stralen tasten het celmembraan van de eencelligen aan en verzwakken hun geheugen. Mieren zouden door gsm-stralen trager op feromonen reageren. De onderzoekers stelden eencelligen en mieren bloot aan een golvengenerator, "in omstandigheden vergelijkbaar aan golven geproduceerd door die van een gsm of een antenne", verduidelijkte Cammaerts.


Tijdens verschillende experimenten stelden de onderzoekers vast dat de reukzin en het zicht van mieren aangetast werden. Zo konden ze, nadat ze voedsel gevonden hadden, de weg naar het nest niet meer terugvinden. De mieren bewogen zich moeilijk voort, aten een beetje en stierven vervolgens. Voor eencelligen waren de resultaten gelijkaardig. In de nabijheid van gsm's verplaatsen ze zich moeilijk en zwellen ze op. Dat kan, volgens de studie, verklaard worden door schade aan het celmembraan.


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