Effect van RF straling op DNA en optredende biochemische veranderingen bij konijnen
- Gegevens
- Gepubliceerd: woensdag 28 december 2011 13:51
Video of Dr. De Ninno lecture at International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS) Congress in Rome (3rd Nov 2011) about the role of water in the interactions between living systems and EMF. It's in Italian with English subtitles.
Please note: "Amino acids have 1 or 2 metal ions that work like an antenna."
De Britse NGO MobileWise publiceerde een nieuw rapport over de gezondheidsrisico's van gsm's. In het rapport komen meer dan 200 wetenschappelijke studies aan bod die duidelijk wijzen op een link met gezondheidsproblemen.
The report warns that children's health is being put at risk by the failure of Government and phone companies to respond to the growing body of evidence linking mobile phone use with health hazards. Medical experts and MobileWise are calling on Government and industry to provide warnings and advice on ways to reduce the risk of health damage when using mobiles.
The possible health risks identified include brain tumours and damage to fertility, genes, the blood-brain barrier and melatonin production, as well as other biological effects thought to have a role in the development of cancer. Endorsed by a number of eminent doctors and scientists, the report highlights the growing and substantial body of evidence that has been obscured in the debate over these risks.
Eerder deze week kwam er het bericht dat de 'grootste studie ooit' naar gsm's 'opnieuw bevestigt' dat mobiel telefoneren geen hersentumoren veroorzaakt. Talloze wetenschappers zijn van mening dat verschillende, onoverkomelijke methodologische fouten de studie compleet waardeloos en onverantwoord maken.
Onder meer Prof. dr. Devra Davis, de voormalige directrice van het Centrum voor Milieuoncologie aan de University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, wijst erop dat fouten werden gemaakt die het a priori onmogelijk maakten om verschillen te vinden tussen de groep gsm-gebruikers en niet-gebruikers.
Ten eerste werden de zwaarste gebruikers, namelijk de professionele gebruikers, uit de studie weggelaten. Onbegrijpelijk, want als er nu één groep is die wetenschappers zouden moeten bestuderen, dan zijn het wel de professionele gebruikers die reeds in de jaren '90 intensief belden. Ten tweede werden alle personen die na 1995 een gsm zijn beginnen gebruiken, evenals zij die gebruik maken van prepaid-kaarten (in tegenstelling tot een abonnement), geklasseerd als 'niet-gebruiker'! In de studie heeft men dus geen gsm-gebruikers vergeleken met niet gebruikers, maar gebruikers met gebruikers....
Wissenschaftlicher Originalbeitrag maart 2011
Modification of clinically important neurotransmittersunder the influence of modulated high-frequency fields -A long-term study under true-to-life conditions
This long-term study over one and a half years shows a significant activation of the 60 participants´ adrenergic systems after the installation of a regional mobiletelephone transmitting station in the village of Rimbach (Bavaria). The values of the stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline grow significantlyduring the first six months after starting the GSM transmitter; the values of theprecursor substance dopamine decreases substantially after the beginning of the radiation (Wilcoxon test, p<0,0002). The initial condition is not restored even after one and a half years.
Due to the not regulable chronic difficulties of the stressbalance, the phenylethylamine (PEA) values drop until the end of the research period (Wilcoxon test, p<0,0001). The effects show a dose effect relation and are situated far under the valid limits for technical high-frequency stress. Chronic dysregulations of the catecholamine system have a substantial health relevance and cause health damages in the long run.
umwelt medizin gesellschaft 2011; 24(1): 44-57
CHICAGO 4/03 – Vijftig minuten bellen met een GSM dichtbij je oor is voldoende om de hersencelactiviteit te veranderen in de hersenzone die het dichtst bij de antenne is gelegen.
February 24, 2011. The Defense Intelligence Agency of the United States released a document referenced below that had a security classification as "confidential" and has since been "unclassified". This document may help us better understand why the U.S. military is interested in opposing a more protective guideline for microwave radiation.Adams, R.L. and R.A. Williams. 1976. Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) – Eurasian Communist Countries (U). Prepared by U.S. Army Medical Intelligence and Information Agency Office of the Surgeon General and was released by the Defense Intelligence Agency. 34 pp. Unclassified.
Abstract: This study was undertaken to provide a review and evaluation of the current Eurasian Communist country state-of-the-art in the area of the effects of radiowaves and microwaves. It generally covers the 1968-1975 period. The major topics include discussions of the effects on humans and animals. The study provides information on the genera1 trends of research with special attention to possible military applications. Where appropriate, information on safety standards and research personalities and facilities is provided.
(Zie de 'Short Takes' van 4 februari op Microwave News voor het artikel met alle links.)
Publication bias is a well-known problem —it's defined in a recent, widely read New Yorker article as "the tendency of scientists and scientific journals to prefer positive data over null results, which is what happens when no effect is found." This may be generally true, but once again, the usual rules don't apply to EMFs. Here researchers (and editors) are all too often more interested in publishing failures than successes. Actually, for EMFs, failure is success, promising financial rewards of one kind or another. This is an old story, but now Niels Kuster says enough is enough. In a broadside against the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS), Kuster warns that the society is "threatened" by its "biased scientific culture."
In a dramatic message in the Journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine, two leading Interphone researchers now advise the following: Simple and low-cost measures, such as the use of text messages, hands-free kits and/or the loudspeaker mode of the phone could substantially reduce exposure to the brain from mobile phones. Therefore, until definitive scientific answers are available, the adoption of such precautions, particularly among young people, is advisable.