Wetenschappelijk nieuws

Overproduction of free radical species in embryonal cells exposed to low intensity radiofrequency radiation


Results: The exposure resulted in a significant persistent overproduction of superoxide and nitrogen oxide in embryo cells during all period of analyses. As a result, significantly increased levels of TBARS and 8-oxo-dG followed by significantly decreased levels of superoxide dismutase and catalase activities were developed in the exposed embryo cells.


Conclusion: Exposure of developing quail embryos to extremely low intensity RF-EMR of GSM 900 MHz during at least one hundred and fifty-eight hours leads to a significant overproduction of free radicals/reactive oxygen species and oxidative damage of DNA in embryo cells. These oxidative changes may lead to pathologies up to oncogenic transformation of cells.





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Two important new papers show mobile phone use does cause an increase in brain tumours


Powerwatch.org.uk - RF-EMF emissions from wireless phones are class 1 human carcinogens


Using the long-established and respected Bradford Hill criteria for assessing causality, this paper shows that RF-EMF exposure from mobile (and cordless) phones should be regarded as an IARC class 1 human carcinogen (cancer causing agent). Current guidelines for exposure need to be urgently revised.


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Wi-Fi papers


via WiFi in Schools UK:


A list of papers finding effects of Wi-Fi or 2.4GHz signals below 16V/m can be found here: http://wifiinschools.org.uk/30.html.


A pdf file of first pages of these papers can be found here: http://wifiinschools.org.uk/resources/Wi-Fi+papers.pdf.  It can be useful to print off the first pages of papers to illustrate to schools or parents that there is published evidence of adverse effects of Wi-Fi / 2.4GHz signals.


Amongst the references is one form Margaritis et al (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23915130), which found that that a mobile phone,  DECT wireless base, DECT wireless handset, mobile phone-DECT handset combination, Wi-Fi, blue tooth, 92.8 MHz FM, baby monitor and a microwave oven all damaged fertility of fruit flies, even at 0.3V/m.  They decreased reproductive capacity, with a decrease in numbers of pupae, and increased DNA fragmentation in ovarian follicles (increased apoptotic cells).  This might be relevant for declining numbers of other insects, and demonstrates another biological effect at low RF exposures.


The paper by Markov and Grigoriev, 2013, on Wi-Fi is also worth looking at: http://www.avaate.org/IMG/pdf/Wi-fi_Technology_-_An_Uncontrolled_Global_Experiment_on_the_Health_of_Mankind_-_Marko_Markov_Yuri_G._Grigoriev.pdf



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Studie: Using the Hill viewpoints from 1965 for evaluating strengths of evidence of the risk for brain tumors associated with use of mobile and cordless phones


Results: The criteria on strength, consistency, specificity, temporality, and biologic gradient for evidence of increased risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma were fulfilled. Additional evidence came from plausibility and analogy based on laboratory studies. Regarding coherence, several studies show increasing incidence of brain tumors, especially in the most exposed area. Support for the experiment came from antioxidants that can alleviate the generation of reactive oxygen species involved in biologic effects, although a direct mechanism for brain tumor carcinogenesis has not been shown. In addition, the finding of no increased risk for brain tumors in subjects using the mobile phone only in a car with an external antenna is supportive evidence. Hill did not consider all the needed nine viewpoints to be essential requirements.


Conclusion: Based on the Hill criteria, glioma and acoustic neuroma should be considered to be caused by RF-EMF emissions from wireless phones and regarded as carcinogenic to humans, classifying it as group 1 according to the IARC classification. Current guidelines for exposure need to be urgently revised.


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LTE (4G) straling beïnvloedt de hersenactiviteit


Een van de eerste studies naar de effecten ten gevolge van een korte blootstelling aan Long Term Evolution (LTE), de vierde generatie mobiele technologie (4G),  werd recent online gepubliceerd in de peer-reviewed wetenschappelijke journal Clinical Neurophysiology (persbericht).


De onderzoeksresultaten toonden aan dat de straling  een directe invloed had op de neurale activiteit van het brein en niet alleen in de directe omgeving van de stralingsbron maar ook in de periferie.


De nieuwe studie toont hiermee nog maar eens aan dat biologische effecten voorkomen bij korte blootstelling aan gsm-straling onder of gelijk aan de ICNIRP norm.


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Casestudies: smartphone in BH dragen leidt tot borstkanker


20120430-smartphone-braStudie verschenen in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift 'Case Reports in Medicine':


"Breast cancer occurring in women under the age of 40 is uncommon in the absence of family history or genetic predisposition, and prompts the exploration of other possible exposures or environmental risks.

We report a case series of four young women—ages from 21 to 39—with multifocal invasive breast cancer that raises the concern of a possible association with nonionizing radiation of electromagnetic field exposures from cellular phones. All patients regularly carried their smartphones directly against their breasts in their brassieres for up to 10 hours a day, for several years, and developed tumors in areas of their breasts immediately underlying the phones. All patients had no family history of breast cancer, tested negative for BRCA1 and BRCA2, and had no other known breast cancer risks.

Their breast imaging is reviewed, showing clustering of multiple tumor foci in the breast directly under the area of phone contact
. Pathology of all four cases shows striking similarity; all tumors are hormone-positive, low-intermediate grade, having an extensive intraductal component, and all tumors have near identical morphology. These cases raise awareness to the lack of safety data of prolonged direct contact with cellular phones."


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Cellphones and Health by Dr. Joel Moskowitz


In the last issue we explored the potential hazards of electromagnetic radiation from iPad use. We learned about warnings from the European parliaments and doctors' associations in various countries, and discussed the differences between pulsed digital wireless signals and continuous analogue radio waves. This time we are pleased to invite Dr. Joel Moskowitz to share his research findings regarding the health effects of cellphones.


I started studying the effects of cellphone radiation when Dr. Seung-Kwon Myung, a physician and epidemiologist from the National Cancer Center of South Korea, spent a year working in my center at UC Berkeley. He specializes in meta-analysis, a method by which data are combined across studies to generate more robust conclusions.


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Straling en myeline


globalresearch.ca - "Addicted to Digitial Devices": Practice Safe Social Media


"Myelin is a fatty protective sheath that surrounds brain cells called neurons. Myelination is the process of acquiring this protection that takes place throughout childhood and adolescence and is not actually complete until the mid-20s and a little bit later in young males than females.


Low-powered but erratic pulses of microwave radiation from cell phones and other digital devices have been shown to interfere with myelin formation. This could increase the lifetime risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and other problems such as hearing deficits and tinnitus – chronic ringing in the ears..."


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Effect of 3G Cell Phone Exposure (…) on Non-thermal Activation (…) Stress Pathway in Rat Brain


PubMed - "Animals were exposed for 2 h a day for 60 days by using mobile phone (...). Result shows that microwave radiation emitted from 3G mobile phone significantly induced DNA strand breaks in brain. (...) Study shows that the oxidative stress is the main factor which activates a variety of cellular signal transduction pathways, among them the hsp27/p38MAPK is the pathway of principle stress response. Results conclude that 3G mobile phone radiations affect the brain function and cause several neurological disorders."


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