WiFi op school

iPads: How Safe Are Our Children?

Zie het artikel op de webpagina van Citizens for Safe Technology.


"Most parents don't know that children should keep their iPads away from the body and that antennas in the iPad should be turned off for children's use.


"In the past few years, iPad has become many adults' best friend and children's babysitter. It is used as a computer, eBook reader, camera, video/music player, word processor, communication device, drawing tool, game pad, and more.


"iPad contains radio transmitters and receivers. When on, iPad sends and receives radio frequency (RF) energy through its antenna. The Wi-Fi and Bluetooth antennas are located behind the screen to the left of the Home button, and behind the Apple logo... A cellular antenna is located at the top edge of iPad Wi-Fi+3G, when oriented with the Home button at the bottom."


"When ifixit.com dissected a Wi-Fi+3G iPad, they discovered not three but five antennas, including the frame of the LCD screen being a giant antenna. . . .


  • RF/EMF: 2B Possible Carcinogen
  • 900 blasts of radiofrequency per hour
  • Comparison between iPad and cellphone radiation
  • Differences between the iPad and an AM/ FM radio


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