WiFi op school

Nieuw Zeeland: fatale hersentumor student gelinkt aan WiFi


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The death of a young Horowhenua school student from a brain tumour has prompted one school to consider the safety of wifi in its classrooms.


Te Horo School has sent all parents a survey asking for their position on the use of wifi at the school, after a family raised concerns about the radiation effect it could have on children.


The issue was sparked after the death of their 10-year old son from a brain tumour, and concerns the tumour could be linked to the use of a wifi-connected iPod.




The school'™s Board of Trustees chairman Steve Joss says they're now gathering information from the community to make a decision over what to do with wifi.


"They're concerned with the perceived health risks to children.

"The questionnaire goes out today, replies back by next Monday. We will collate those replies and have a board meeting on the 28th of December."