Nieuws per stralingsbron

EHS Refuge in Australia: People Needed - September 21, 2014

Bruce's land in King Valley (Wangaratta, Victoria Australia) where he plans to create an EHS Refuge as soon as people come join him.Bruce Evans is man on a mission. And he is looking for other people with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity to join him in creating an EHS refuge in southeast Australia, on land outside of Wangaratta, Victoria in the King Valley.


The land is available for occupancy right now for anyone who can come with a van, tent or caravan. Those who arrive first may be able to have one of the bedrooms in Bruce’s cottage.


People who want to visit the land for a temporary “holiday” from wireless radiation are welcome. But Bruce is also looking for electrosensitive people who want to stay long-term, build their own cottages on his family’s land, participate in the farm and help create a community safe from electropollution.


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Could myelin damage from radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure help explain the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity? A review of the evidence


Abstract - Myelin provides the electrical insulation for the central and peripheral nervous system and develops rapidly in the first years of life, but continues into mid-life or later. Myelin integrity is vital to healthy nervous system development and functioning. This review outlines the development of myelin through life, and then considers the evidence for an association between myelin integrity and exposure to low-intensity radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) typical in the modern world. In RF-EMF peer-reviewed literature examining relevant impacts such as myelin sheath, multiple sclerosis, and other myelin-related diseases, cellular examination was included.


There are surprisingly little data available in each area, but considered together a picture begins to emerge in RF-EMF-exposed cases: (1) significant morphological lesions in the myelin sheath of rats; (2) a greater risk of multiple sclerosis in a study subgroup; (3) effects in proteins related to myelin production; and (4) physical symptoms in individuals with functional impairment electrohypersensitivity, many of which are the same as if myelin were affected by RF-EMF exposure, giving rise to symptoms of demyelination.


In the latter, there are exceptions; headache is common only in electrohypersensitivity, while ataxia is typical of demyelination but infrequently found in the former group. Overall, evidence from in vivo and in vitro and epidemiological studies suggests an association between RF-EMF exposure and either myelin deterioration or a direct impact on neuronal conduction, which may account for many electrohypersensitivity symptoms.



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Odor and Noise Intolerance in Persons with Self-Reported Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity



Lack of confirmation of symptoms attributed to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and triggered by EMF exposure has highlighted the role of individual factors. Prior observations indicate intolerance to other types of environmental exposures among persons with electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). This study assessed differences in odor and noise intolerance between persons with EHS and healthy controls by use of subscales and global measures of the Chemical Sensitivity Scale (CSS) and the Noise Sensitivity Scale (NSS). The EHS group scored significantly higher than the controls on all CSS and NSS scales. Correlation coefficients between CSS and NSS scores ranged from 0.60 to 0.65 across measures. The findings suggest an association between EHS and odor and noise intolerance, encouraging further investigation of individual factors for understanding EMF-related symptoms.

Open Access:



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Ziekenhuizen in Zweden voorzien accomodatie van elektrogevoelige personen


In Zweden wordt elektrogevoeligheid officieel erkend als een functionele handicap en zijn er verschillende voorzieningen. Zo krijgen mensen er financiële hulp voor het aanbrengen van afscherming in de woonst.


Ook verschillende ziekenhuizen zorgen voor aangepaste accomodatie. Er worden ruimtes voorzien met lage elektromagnetische velden en er is bijvoorbeeld een stralingswerend baldakijn beschikbaar dat rond het bed van de patiënt kan worden aangebracht.


Een overzicht van deze voorzieningen in ziekenhuizen (in 2007) is te vinden in het volgende PDF-bestand. Het is gebaseerd op een bevraging door de Zweedse organisatie voor elektrogevoelige personen (FEB, oude website in het Engels).


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Interview with Dr. Dominique Belpomme by Radio Canada on Electromagnetic Fields and Electrosensitivity


Electrosensitivity a Pre-Alzheimer's State?


Electromagnetic Fields Likely to Cause Alzheimer's in Electrosensitive Persons, 6 June 2014

Dr. Belpomme, President of ARTAC (Association for Research on Treatment Against Cancer) is asked by the interviewer about his creation nearly three years ago of the European Cancer and Environment Research Institute (ECERI).  The Institute collaborates with 15-20 European teams researching the environmental causes of not only cancer but also other diseases and disorders, including Alzheimer's and autism.


According to Dr. Dominique Belpomme, 80-90% of cancers are linked to the environment. Living was not always “carcinogenic”. Cancer is a recent disease due to the fact that it has become a scourge of huge proportions. Cancer as well as obesity and type 2 diabetes have exploded. We are obliged to ask why. The answer is: life style and pollution:  chemical pollution, pesticides, electromagnetic fields (EMF) produced by wireless technology. Do we continue this technology for purely economic reasons or do we take into account the very high health costs that we will be paying as a result?


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Getuigenis Australische elektrogevoelige


"In February 2013 CSIRO scientist Dr David McDonald was awarded compensation for his ill health through a decision in the Australian Federal Court's Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAAT). His electrosensitivity was worsened as a result of exposure to Wi-Fi and computer work in his office. Now Dr. McDonald has spoken out about his electrosensitivity in this YouTube video (13 mins)."


Zie ook het volgende artikel.

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Dans l’Essonne, l’électrosensibilité reconnue comme un handicap


(Engelse vertaling onderaan)


La maison départementale des personnes handicapées (MDPH) de l'Essonne a accordé fin janvier une aide financière à une personne électrosensible, une première en France, selon le Collectif des électrosensibles de France.


Vivant dans le sud de l'Essonne, Jérôme, 32 ans, a dû cesser son activité professionnelle en 2011 en raison d'une électrohypersensibilité (EHS) contractée au travail [1]. En cause selon lui, un appareil auquel il était, en tant que technicien dans un laboratoire public de recherche en chimie, quotidiennement confronté.


Si le statut de maladie professionnelle lui a été refusé -décision prise malgré l'avis positif d'un expert médical, et qu'il conteste actuellement devant la justice-, Jérôme a eu plus de succès auprès de la MDPH de l'Essonne, structure qui dépend du conseil général.


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Zwitserland: constructie appartementsgebouw voor chemisch en elektrogevoelige personen



















In december 2013 werd in de rand van Zurich de constructie voltooid van een appartementsgebouw speciaal ontworpen voor mensen die lijden aan meervoudige chemische sensitiviteit (MCS) en elektrohypersensitiviteit (EHS). Er werden materialen gebruikt die zo weinig mogelijk chemische stoffen en geuren uitstoten en het gebouw werd ook afgeschermd voor elektromagnetische straling.


Binnenin het gebouw is het gebruik van chemische producten verboden, alsook het gebruik van gsm's en draadloze apparatuur. Er zijn vaste telefoon- en internetverbindingen.


Het gaat om een initiatief van de 'Healthy Life and Living Foundation', dat werd gerealiseerd met de samenwerking en financiële steun van de dienst huisvesting van de stad Zurich. Het kostenplaatje van het project bedroeg 5 miljoen euro. De stad Zurich stelde de grond beschikbaar en zorgde voor een interestvrije lening.


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Dr. Leszczynski analyseert de gebreken van studies naar elektrogevoeligheid


De Finse wetenschapper en stralingsexpert Dariusz Leszczynski analyseert naar aanleiding van een recent Canadees rapport nogmaals de vele gebreken in de studies naar elektrogevoeligheid (EHS – elektrohypersensitiviteit). Deze doorgaans slecht ontworpen studies zijn een verspilling van (belastings)geld en leiden volgens hem tot foute conclusies.


Eén van de problemen is dat het onderzoek vaak wordt uitgevoerd door psychologen en psychiaters. Uiteraard kunnen psychologen enkel tot psychologische conclusies komen: ze zijn niet in staat om een licht te werpen op de biochemische, fysiologische processen die aan de basis kunnen liggen van EHS. Ze hebben daar noch de juiste achtergrondkennis voor, noch beheersen ze de nodige onderzoeksmethoden.


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Voorbereiding 'class action' rechtszaak in USA over elektrogevoeligheid


"The Lakeshore Coalition have been working with an environmental law firm towards development of a Class Action Law Suit on behalf of persons who suffer Electro-sensitivity and Electro-hypersensitivity.


In order to provide the lawyers with information concerning our case, we need to gather information which will provide the necessary representation of numbers of people who may be affected and to what degree they are affected by radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation from any source.


Please complete this questionaire and share the survey with friends and neighbours who may not be aware of this issue.

The survey is attached. Thank you for taking time to participate."


Laureen Maurizo
laureen7 (at)



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First officially recognized case of the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity in South Africa


Zie de commentaar van Dr. Lauraine M H Vivian and Prof. Olle Johansson onderaan het volgende wetenschappelijke artikel: klik.


"In January 2013, thirty year old James Lech a MIT post-graduate student became the first person to be diagnosed as suffering with electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and registered for medical disability in South Africa. He is categorized as permanently disabled and receives R800 (US $74) per month. Unlike in Sweden where he would claim various accessibility measures, Lech will remain confined to his in-law's middle class suburban home in Cape Town, from where he is able to walk in a limited route when healthy enough. Outside of this he is affected by competing electromagnetic fields and suffers the possibility of his bodily systems 'shutting down'.


Lech's diagnosis was made by two government doctors who reviewed his medical records, extensively examined him, and diagnosed him with an array of ICD clinical diagnoses to best medically describe EHS. This came after numerous doctors stated that they recognized that he was suffering severe dysfunction but did not believe in EHS.


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Article about Dafna Tachover & EHS - Radiation Victim - Published in an Israeli paper Yediot Ahcharonot


In an isolated house, in the mountains of a natural reserve in northern New York, far away from antennas and cell phones, from laptops and wireless Internet, lives attorney Dafna Tachover. She escaped there after being diagnosed with Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity. From there, she conducts her fight for those who suffer from this condition. "The life I wanted to live I already lost" she says, "but not my fighting spirit".


It was the happiest time in the life of Dafna Tachover, a lawyer. After years of intense work as senior executive in an investment company in Manhattan, she married Dr. Richard Stein, a doctor and a scientist who received a research position in Princeton University, so they moved to Princeton and hoped to change from a couple to a family. The first step in her plan to start a law practice was to purchase a new laptop. "I brought the laptop to our leased apartment, I took it out from the box and started working" says Tachover, 39, going back to July 19th, 2009, the day her life changed. "A few minutes after I started working, I started feeling vibrations in the area near the mouse pad. Then I started feeling tingling in my feet and my hands."


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