Nieuws per stralingsbron

Nederland: GGD-Handreiking Elektrohypersensitiviteit landelijk vastgesteld - Het is zover! Na ruim 2 jaar overleg is op 4 oktober de Handreiking EHS landelijk vastgesteld door de Vakgroep Milieu & Gezondheid van de GGD-en. Dit zien wij als een belangrijke doorbraak in onze zaak. Stichting EHS heeft geadviseerd t.a.v. de inhoud van de tekst – de eindredactie lag volledig bij de GGD.

Nog mooier, het stuk is openbaar en is te raadplegen op: De werkgroep EMV (van de GGD) stelt voor dat alle GGD’en een link naar dit document op hun website zetten. Verder wordt aan het Kennisplatform EMV&G gevraagd om ook een link naar het document te publiceren.

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Wireless technology exposure impacting 11-year-old student

Hartverscheurend verhaal van de 11-jarige elektrogevoelige Tyler die door wifi op school noodgedwongen in isolement moet opgroeien, en met zware fysieke pijn na elke blootstelling aan draadloze technologie.

Oliver Chronicle
- Tyler is 11 years old and has a recognized disability, EHS (electro hypersensitivity), which means with accumulative and prolonged exposure to microwave radiation from wireless technology, he experiences severe headaches, accompanied with vomiting, extreme fatigue, insomnia and now night terrors. For the past four years he has been shuffling between three different school districts to avoid the mandatory exposure, which school officials have decided is crucial to teach the curriculum.

Around April 2012, Tyler, who was then seven years old and in Grade 2, started coming home with severe headaches that corresponded with increasing fatigue and sleeping difficulties. The first few times Tyler was asked to place his finger where it hurt and he would touch the top of his head. But later, as the headaches increasingly became worse to the point of nausea, Tyler was unable to touch the pain, stating it was in the middle of his head.

After many weeks of taking Advil and Tylenol to alleviate severe pain in his head, we knew something was seriously wrong.  We were discussing the problem with some parents on the school ground and discovered a WiFi router had been installed in the school just weeks before.

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Presentatie Dr. Yael Stein - 'Electrohypersensitive individuals (EHS) in the digital world – a disabled population, deprived of home, work and basic rights'

Presentatie van Dr. Yael Stein (MD Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Hebrew-University – Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem) op wereldcongres Unesco in 2015. De presentatie laat vele cases van elektrogevoeligheid de revue passeren, met opvallend veel ex-werknemers van Scandinavische telecombedrijven (Noka, Ericsson, … ) die EHS werden door overmatige blootstelling op de werkplek, onder meer ingenieurs die betrokken waren bij de ontwikkeling van de eerste gsm’s.

De presentatie klaagt aan dat de fundamentele mensenrechten van elektrogevoelige personen ernstig worden geschonden, namelijk hun recht op huisvesting, werk, familieleven en transport. De  aandacht wordt gevestigd op de vluchtelingenproblematiek die zich BINNEN de Westerse wereld voordoet waarbij een deel van de bevolking (zo’n 3%) op de vlucht moet voor de alomtegenwoordige stralingsbelasting. 

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Elektrogevoeligheid wordt voor het eerst erkend als handicap in Frankrijk - Een Franse rechtbank heeft bepaald dat een vrouw die zegt aan 'wifi-allergie' te lijden, geld moet krijgen. De 39-jarige Marine Richard claimt dat ze geen gewoon leven kan leiden door de elektromagnetische straling van wifi.

Ze zegt dat ze lijdt aan het Elektromagnetische Hypersensitiviteit Syndroom (EHS). Richard heeft onder meer last van zware hoofdpijn en vergeetachtigheid.

De Française, die vroeger actief was als journalist, kan door haar gezondheidssituatie naar eigen zeggen niet meer werken. Inmiddels woont ze in een tent in een afgelegen gebied in de Franse Alpen.

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Unmet health care needs for persons with environmental sensitivity


Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare - "In this study, we examined the types of and reasons for unmet health care needs in 465 people with environmental sensitivities. A second area of inquiry involved negative reactions to general anesthesia.

Results showed that the most common barriers to receiving care were the inability to find a provider who understands environmental sensitivities and a lack of accessibility due to chemical and electromagnetic exposures in health care environments. Lower income and poorer health (longer illness, a worsening or fluctuating course of illness, and a higher level of disability) were significantly correlated with the total number of reported unmet health care needs."


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Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité roept op tot erkenning van elektrogevoeligheid


eescDe EESC (Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité) is een high-level EU adviesorgaan van het Europese Parlement en de Europese Commissie. De afdeling TEN (Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and Information Society) werkt momenteel aan een advies over elektrogevoeligheid (ElektroHyperSensitiviteit – EHS) waarin wordt aangegeven welke acties zij nodig achten om de negatieve impact van EHS op de gemeenschap te beperken.


Op 21 januari 2015 wordt het ontwerpadvies op een plenaire vergadering ingediend waarna het als formeel advies kan worden aangenomen.


Volgens de laatste schattingen is 3 tot 5% van de bevolking elektrogevoelig, wat betekent dat zo’n 13 miljoen Europeanen hieraan lijden.


Hieronder de belangrijkste baanbrekende elementen van het ontwerpadvies:


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French bill for government to report on EHS within a year


The French senate passed a bill in July requiring the government to submit to the French parliament a report into EHS within a year.
The bill also requires primary schools to switch off WiFi when not being used for educational purposes and mobile phones sold to a child under 14 to include a hands-free kit specifically designed for children. The bill also requires operators within 6 months to reduce “outlier” points, areas where radio frequency and EM exposure measure about the national average. The bill now waits enactment. (“French Senate passes bill to add precautions to wireless networks and mobile phones”, GSMA, 25th July).


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Electrosensitivity in individual cows too


A study on the reaction of enzymes in cows near mobile phone masts shows that some cows are more sensitive than others, as with humans (Hässig M et al, BMC Vet Res., 2014). It did not say whether sensitive cows read newspaper reports or had ‘awareness
exposure’, as some psychologists and the ICNIRP chairman argue for humans. A recent study confirmed that, similarly, a small group of workers show greater sensitivity and typical ES symptoms in MRI magnetic fields.


Bron: ES UK Newsletter November 2014


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Europa begint elektrogevoeligheid serieus te nemen


Zie Powerwatch News.

"The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has held a public hearing on electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS/ES) on 4th November 2014, attended by about 50 people, followed by a working group meeting in the afternoon to decide on how best to move forward on the EHS issue. The idea of the hearing was apparently their own, submitted by Bernardo Hernández Bataller. The group think the European Commission should pay more attention to this issue."


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Electric blues - Rare allergy drives tech guru into seclusion


Jamaica - IF TWO years ago this young lad, who lived for computers and application creation, was told he would become extremely sick from being around everyday gadgets, Wi-Fi and cell towers, he probably would have had a hearty laugh and thought, 'oh, that's a good one' . But what he may have thought was a joke, is now his reality.


Twenty-one-year-old Joel Dean, a trained software engineer, had to move from urban living nine months ago to being ensconced in a hut by the river after being diagnosed with electrical sensitivity. Electrical sensitivity is as an extreme allergic reaction to electromagnetic forces from mobile phones, computers and other wireless appliances. One may experience symptoms of headaches, burning or tingling sensation in the face or body and a rash while in the presence of these gadgets.


Dean first noticed this allergic reaction to technology last year after borrowing a 4G modem from a friend and fell asleep with it on. He woke up with unusual tingling sensations on his skin. He immediately researched the symptoms online.


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School in Los Angeles voorziet aanpassingen voor elektrogevoelige leerkracht - klas zonder WiFi


Via Parents against WiFi in schools: The Los Angeles Public School District (LAUSD) has officially accommodated a teacher who is sensitive to WiFi. The LAUSD is the second largest public school district in the US.


From the attached letter:
"The Committee reconvened September 9, 2014. After reviewing and taking into consideration all of the documentation you submitted as part of your request, the information you presented during the meeting, and reviewing alternate accommodations, the Committee approved your request to have the Wi-Fi turned off in your classroom during the 2014-2015 school year. As an alternate accommodation, the Committee also approved a reassignment to a different school site where Wi-Fi has yet to be installed."


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